My New Dilemma

All of us turned towards the door and saw a blonde-silvery hair girl standing—It was Yuki.

A beautiful mesmerizing goddess emerged from the door, even Oishi-senpai and Maeda-senpai were mesmerized by Yuki's beauty they had the same faces earlier when they saw Naoki, but they're too flustered to even react because of the thing they're doing earlier.

"Yuki?", I said and stood up from my seat.

"Oh, hi~ I'm just here to get something.", Yuki responded.

"Something?", I tilted my head in confusion.


Then she smiled while walking towards me.

"What's that?", I asked her.

"Oh come on, you forgot about it already?"


I slowly backed away but she accelerated and grabbed my tie.

"How about we go out first?", I smiled wryly at Yuki.

Oishi-senpai, Maeda-senpai, and Yokota were all confused. Well, except for Naoki, she's puffing her cheeks while looking at us.

"No, I need to go somewhere to take care of some stuff.", Yuki smiled.

I shivered at what she said, knowing that it's probably not good. I decided not to ask anymore.

"Let's just go, outside.", I said in a serious tone.

"Nope.", Yuki responded then she pulled my tie making our lips touched, while the other two senpais and Yokota looked at us dumbfounded.

"Hm?!", my eyes widen.

Again? Why do these girls like to kiss me without any warning?!

From our lips touching, it turned into more passion, over time we used our tongues to intertwined with each other. Even though I knew that there are people here, I kissed her passionately knowing that she will not stop until she gets what she wants. Nonetheless, I'm still enjoying it. Who wouldn't enjoy being kissed by a beautiful goddess?

With our kiss turning into a passionate one, Maeda-senpai, Oishi-senpai, and Yokota turned their heads the other way while they are all flushed in redness as if they've been bathed in sunlight for a whole day. Naoki on the other hand was looking at us with the desire to kiss me all over her eyes.

After a while...

Yuki separated her lips against mine.

"Is that good enough?", I asked Yuki while wiping the saliva on the corners of my mouth.

"Yep.", Yuki smiled brightly.

Uggh, that smile could burn the hearts of countless men.

"Hey, are y—", but I got interrupted as Yuki went to the door quickly while waving at me.

"Sorry, Tatsu, I need to go, you know me. I need to take care of something. Bye~ Bye~", Yuki waving at me while peeking at the door from the outside.

And she's gone...

I was looking at the door dumbfounded.

Yuki only went here to kiss, and just left like that... I feel like a prostitute... She just played with my lips and when she got what she want— She just left...

Then, I turned my head towards Maeda-senpai, Oishi-senpai, and Yokota they were dumbfounded while still having flushed faces.

I need to apologize, I feel like I turned the atmosphere of this clubroom into an awkward one.

"Uhh, I'm very so—"

As I was about to apologize to them, Naoki grabbed my jaw and forcing her lips into mine.

"Mhmm!?", I exclaimed with widen eyes.

Naoki?! I swear that this two are really something... They don't care about others at all!

Naoki's kisses turned passionate, I guess she got jealous of Yuki, and she started doing what Yuki did.

After a while...

We finally stopped kissing.

And my face is flushed red, by the sudden kiss that I got from Yuki and Naoki.

I'm wiping the saliva from the corners of my mouth once again, I spoke, "Naoki... Why did you do that?"

"I-I got jealous... I thought that Yuki is being unfair... And... I've been holding back...", Naoki shyly said with eyes downcast while fidgeting her fingers.

"And, overwriting Yuki's kiss, hehe~", she started giggling.

I can't even be mad at her. She's too cute for this world. Can I just take her?

I sighed, "Haa... It's okay..." while patting her head.

Naoki accepted it happily and starter purring, she's so cute that I even want to cuddle her when I'm asleep.


Naoki and I looked at Maeda-senpai who coughed to get our attention.

All three of them are blushing so hard that even Yokota was looking at me with wary.

"I-I'm very sorry about that senpai.", I apologized bending my upper body forward.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-It's o-o-o-okay...", Oishi-senpai spoke first.

"Y-y-y-yeah, I-I just got caught off guard.", Maeda-senpai said while avoiding contact with my eyes.

Yokota the last one— Didn't say anything. She's trying hard to calm herself down.

Silence filled the atmosphere of the clubroom.




This is so awkward!!

Then someone shouted upon entering the door of the clubroom.

"Yooo! I'm so sorry for being late.", the guy said.

The guy who entered the room was a second-year just basing it on his necktie, and his looks are pretty average pairing it with glasses his height is very comparable to Yuki.

Upon entering the room his gaze was locked into Naoki, he was bewitched by Naoki's beauty. It took him some time to cut off from his daze. But upon seeing me.

"Oh! Did we get new members? Hello! I'm Kanemoto Jurou, nice to meet you!"

"Ohh, uhh, likewise Kanemoto-senpai, I'm Okita Tatsuya.", I bowed.

And then I waited for Naoki, but she just happily humming in her own world not even noticing him.

"So, uhh, this is Ikeda Naoki, we're new students here and classmates of Yokota."

He was dumbfounded because Naoki was clinging to my arm happily.

"Oh, okay, so are you guys interested in joining our club?", he asked.

I doubt that they would let us join with all that happened earlier. Seeing their reactions, I could guess that they're looking at me like I'm sort of a playboy or a two-timer—I want to cry! I'm so embarrassed! Next time! I swear that I will tell Yuki to keep it in her pants! I can't let her destroy more of my wrecked high school life.

Ahhh! I've got so many problems to think of that my brain would probably give up with the stress building up.

"Ahh, I don't know... We're currently looking at up some clubs that we could join.", I responded.

"Oh great! But, why are they all not speaking? Are they role-playing, right now? Even Yokota-san? And, why are they red, the A/C is on though?", Kanemoto-senpai pointed to the three.

"A-ah nothing! We're just...", Maeda-senpai said but can't think of a reason as she's still flustered.

"We're done role-playing! That's why our faces are red!", Oishi-senpai shouted.

"Y-yeah...", Yokota answered in a lower voice.

"Why are you two standing then?", He asked Naoki and me.

"Ah, w-we're about to.", Naoki and I took a sit but Naoki is still not letting me go.

Kanemoto-senpai followed and sat on the other end of the table.

"So, are you guys together?", Kanemoto-senpai said.

"Eh? Ah, n-no.", I shyly responded.

It's actually the truth, I haven't accepted their feeling yet since I'm having some complicated feelings or maybe I'm just scared. Nonetheless, I do want to but I need to know something first before I consider it. It's like a dream for every guy to get asked out by two beauties, adding the polygamy relationship that they suggested. Who wouldn't go nuts by hearing that? But, not me, there is some sort of coherence that's going on that I need to figure out.

"""EH?!""", the three exclaimed.

"Impossible, which means...", Maeda-senpai muttered.

"Wow... How did he...", Oishi-senpai muttered along with her.

But, Yokota on the other hand got a different approach, "T-then, you're cheating on Hatsumi with Ikeda?", she looked at me beyond belief.

"Eh? No. I'm not going out with either of them.", I said in a straight face.

"""EH?!""", the three exclaimed once again.

While Kanemoto-senpai on the other hand was full of puzzlement as he's trying to figure out what's going on, "Eh? What's going on?"

"W-w-w-wait! Kohai-kun, care to repeat that? You're not going with either of them?", Maeda-senpai said in bewilderment.

"Y-y-y-yeah, did I heard that wrong?", Oishi-senpai said and then covered its mouth while looking at us bewildered.

Yokota stood up and slammed both of her hands on the table, making all of us surprised by her actions.

"Woah!", Kanemoto-senpai exclaimed.

And... The girl who's clinging at me didn't even flinch an inch. She's still in her own world...

"A-a-are you telling me that you're not going out with either of them?! And, y-y-y-y-y-y-you guys kissed?! W-w-w-what is that then?! ARE YOU TOYING WITH THEM?!", Yokota exclaimed while stuttering but at the near end of what she said, she became aggressive and angry.

"N-no! That's not it! I-I—...", I suddenly stopped midway.

What do I say?! That they're in love with me and decided to... To what...? Kiss? What do I say about the kissing part?! Wait... We didn't even have some agreements about it. They just literally started kissing me even before confessing to me. And, even when I said that I need to think about things first, they didn't stop. I'm having a dilemma. I don't know what to say. I can't even tell them that 'Oh yeah, they said they want to go out with me, they even suggested a polygamy relationship, that's why they're kissing me.', in what world a normal human would say that in a normal conversation in a monogamy country, adding the kissing part in what world could I explain that?!

"Okita-san. Why are you not telling a thing? Are you really just toying them?", Yokota said in a fierce tone while glaring at me scarily.

Even the three senpais got some goosebumps when they saw Yokota getting angry.

Kyaah! She's scary! She's way scarier than Yuki! Yuki, I'm very sorry about what I said about you scary, I take all of that back! Yuki, I miss you now, please come back, I'll even let you do anything you want! I even had the urge to call mom, right now.

Then, I shook Naoki who's clinging to me and I looked straight into her eyes, I'm sending some sort of message to Naoki about helping me in this dilemma. Naoki looked into my eyes and sensing that I'm in a pinch and when she got my message, she nodded.

"Yokota, no need to worry, Tatsu is not like that.", Naoki said.

"Eh? Then, what are your relationship with him, that you guys even kiss as if it's a normal thing to do?", Yokota said in puzzlement.

"Oh, about that, we're really close friends but Yuki and I are in love with him and we confessed to him with an intention of going out with him, we even agreed that we would love to let him accept the both of us. You know, threesome relationship, instead of fighting over him we agreed that we would go out with him together. A happy ending for the three of us! No one will be hurt! Threesome relationship!", Naoki said happily while pumping her fist in her chest with a triumphant look all over her face.

When I heard all of that, my mouth became wide open locking my jaw in place, while looking at her beyond belief. I can't even mutter a single sound on my mouth at how unbelievable that is, she just said that all that with confidence and even looking at me like she achieved something in her life.

But, that's not the kind of help I want, Naoki! I want to cry! I can't even look at them, I want to crawl into a hole and hide forever to hide my embarrassment. Is there a time machine in here? Can I rewind time? Dr, WH*, where you at when I need you the most?

I looked at Naoki dejectedly, she smiled at me while still looking proud of her so-called achievements. I can't even be mad at her, there's a miscommunication that occurred. I could only blame myself for this, Naoki didn't do anything wrong, she only told them the truth there's nothing wrong with that... Nonetheless, the way she shouted the threesome relationship at the end looks really cute I wished that I recorded it.

My soul is leaving my body.

I hesitated to look at them, but I still looked to check their reactions.