Why Do They Think I’m a Playboy?!

After eating dinner, Auntie, Asuka, and I went out to the door to see them off.

"Thank you for the dinner.", Hina-senpai said and bowed.

The two Yokota sister's followed suit, ""Thank you.""

"No problem, I told you, you guys are always welcome here.", Aunt Ayaka said with a smile.

"I hope you guys can continue being friends with him. You see, he stopped midway through his first year in middle school because of an incident, and was forced to quit school. That's why he didn't have any friends who are around his age.", Aunt Ayaka added and bowed her slightly.

I know that Aunt said that for me, but I can't still help myself to be embarrassed. My whole face gradually turned red.

"Don't worry, Ayaka-san, I'll do my best as his senpai.", Hina-senpai said.

Hina-senpai perhaps understood the reason why I didn't go to middle school. However, as for the two sisters, both were looking at me baffled. The two were looking at me, searching for an answer, but got dragged by Hina-senpai out of the house.

"Thank you again. Ayaka-san and Okita-san.", Hina-senpai said.

Aunt Ayaka nodded while smiling, then she said, "Tatsuya, go with them. It's getting dark. Be careful, all right?", then she winked.

I complied and followed the three. It makes sense since they're still female minors walking at night, there's no way knowing what kind of danger is lurking around the neighborhood. Adding their appearances could be troublesome since many perverts are wandering around at night.

Though, I don't know why Auntie winked at me.

I followed them when they're about to reach the gate of the house.

"Hm? What are you doing here?", Hina-senpai asked.

"Oh, I'm here to send you guys home.", I replied.

"You're really a worrywart, huh. I can misunderstand your actions, you know? Or, are you really making a move on the three of us?", Hina-senpai said.

"Huh?! No! Look, my aunt was the one who said it. And, what kind of person do you guys view me? I'm not a playboy.", I said seriously.

"I'm just joking since you're insisting on it. I don't mind.", Hina-senpai said with a smile.

Oh, wow she's beautiful when she smiles. I hope she would smile more often. I guess she can make jokes too, huh.

After Hina-senpai said that, the look on the sisters was interesting. They looked at her in bewilderment as if they can't believe what they're seeing.

"Rika-chan, are you really our Rika-chan?", Ai-senpai said.

"I can't believe that I will agree with Nee-san but are you really Rika-san?", Yokota said.

Hina-senpai narrowed her eyes and glared at the two, "Are you making fun of me?", she said in an angry tone.

"Eh?! N-No! Rika-chan! I'm just surprised that you would smile at a guy. You even made a joke!", Ai-senpai exclaimed.

"Yeah... That's very unusual of you, Rika-san.", Yokota added.

"Ha?! What's the point of that? Are you saying that I'm an emotionless doll?", Hina-senpai asked the two.

"Not really, but you're so cold and indifferent with guys.", Ai-senpai said, she shyly scratches her cheek.

"I agree with Nee-san.", Yokota said.

While they're arguing, I'm just standing here awkwardly like I'm squeezed by two walls.

"I don't really understand anything at your conversation.", I interjected.

Then Ai-senpai turned her head towards me, "And you! What's wrong with you?"

"Huh?!", my eyes widen in bewilderment.

"How come you can make Rika-chan smile...?", then Ai-senpai gasped, "... Don't tell me you guys are in a secret relationship all this time?!", Ai-senpai said with a quivering voice while pointing at the both of us with her shaking fingers.

I froze in the spot.

""Huuh?!"", Hina-senpai and I exclaimed.

"Because yesterday was way too weird! If you guys only met yesterday, why would Rika-chan smile at you, at your first meeting!"

"What kind of logic is that?! Can't you smile at a stranger on your first meeting?!", I retorted.

"Not with Rika-chan!", Ai-senpai yelled.

I was speechless. I don't even know what to say. Why do I feel like she's undermining Hina-senpai?

But before I could even ask, Ai-senpai's ear was taken by Hina-senpai and dragged her away.

"Waah, where are you taking me?!", Ai-senpai yelled as she cries for help.

"We're gonna have a talk.", Hina-senpai said angrily.

I was standing here with Yokota still speechless.

Then Yokota spoke, "Umm, Okita-san, was that true?"

"Eh? No way!", I denied it wholeheartedly.

"Why are guys so surprised on Hina-senpai smiling?", I asked.

"Well, Rika-san doesn't really smile that often even with us, or I would say she decided to stop smiling.", Yokota said.

"—??", I only looked at her confused.

"I'm still doubting you. Are you really sure?"

I sighed, "Haa... Yes. It's my first time meeting her yesterday. Aren't you guys making a big deal out of it?"

"Of course, because we've known her ever since we were kids, as what my Nee-san said. We treat her like our own sister. We grew together, we've always been together. That's why we're really surprised."

"I don't really see the problem of her smiling.", I held my chin as I was thinking about it.

"You don't get it. It's too personal to say."

"Oh okay, I will not question it then."

"But, I'm really curious, Okita-san. My Nee-san kept blabbering about how good-looking you are. If you are good-looking, why are hiding your face with your hair? I'm pretty sure people wouldn't mind you being close to either Hatsumi-san or Ikeda.", Yokota asked.

"It's too personal, but it's related to why I didn't manage to go to my middle school...", I smiled gently, "...On the part where people wouldn't mind. That's not really how it works, I'm pretty sure you're thinking people are hating on me because I'm unfit to them because of my current appearance, right?"

"Yeah. I don't really get it. But, if it's personal then I'm not going to ask. I thought you're one of the guys who only have low self-confidence."

"Ahh, like one of those stuff in LN? Do you read them?", I asked.

"Yeah, I do read them because they're quite interesting.", Yokota replied.

"Light novels and reality are still two different things no matter how you look at it. For instance, I change my appearance to my usual one. What would happen?"

"Umm, you'll be popular?"

"I'm popular though. Just not in a good way.", I giggled.

"Hahaha.", Yokota laughed.

I didn't expect her to laugh. I was stupefied. I'm not even trying to make a joke.

Then Hina-senpai who was scolding Ai-senpai near us, both of them looked at Yokota laughing.

I remembered that we're still at the front gate of the house, I looked at the door and saw Aunt Ayaka grinning and giving me a thumbs up while she's carrying Asuka in her arms. I gave her a complicated expression.

Ai-senpai immediately rushed towards Yokota while screaming, "Nooo, don't take my Kazu-chan too!", Ai-senpai was hugging Yokota on her waist.

Ai-senpai glared at me, "Grr...", she got a karate chop at her head to which she cries out, "Oww!"

"Stop saying dumb things, no one is taking me.", Yokota said.

Hina-senpai went to my side and asked me, "Are you sure you're not making a move on us and trying to take us three?"

"You too?! What do I keep telling you, I'm not a playboy. Haa... You know what. Let's just go. My Aunt's grin is irritating me. Let's go.", I said with a worn-out expression.

We walked outside and now standing in the street, but I suddenly remembered something, "Senpai, aren't you waiting for Naoki? We can check if they're at home by now."

"Oh, okay.", Hina-senpai responded.

After that, we started walking towards the front door of the Ikeda household, Ai-senpai was still glaring at me while hugging her little sister, the sister on the other hand had a worn-out face.

I don't really get these three childhood friends. First, they all overreacted at Hina-senpai laughing. Second, the two overreacted at Yokota laughing. Are they insane or what? What kind of logic is that? Asking if I'm in a relationship because of a smile?

I thought they're all sensible people but I take all of that back. They're all weird.

We are now standing at the door of the Ikeda household.

I pressed the doorbell.




After we idled for a while, someone finally opened the door.

"Oh, Tatsuya, I didn't expect you to visit here.", it was Haru-san who answered the door.

Haru-san was the father of Naoki.

"Is Naoki there?", I asked.

"Oh yeah yeah, let me get her for you. Come in.", Haru-san replied.

"Pardon my intrusion.", I said as I entered the house.

The three followed suit and did the same.

We are now sitting in the living room.

Waiting for Naoki.

"You guys are really close", Yokota said.

"Yeah.", I answered.

I can't tell them that I only met Naoki last week. I've only known her for about a week, even if she said that we're childhood friends. I don't remember anything related to her because of my amnesia; hence why, I've only known her for a week technically.

As we're still waiting for Naoki, we are the ones who are left on the ground floor since Haru-san went upstairs to call Naoki.

But suddenly, the bathroom suddenly opened, a beautiful blond-hair lady who had similar facial features to Naoki emerges in the door.

We all turned our heads towards the sound of the bathroom door opening.





"Oh! Tatsuya, what are you doing here?", Sakura-san said while rubbing her hair with a towel.





"Are you here for Naoki?", then she noticed the three girls who are with me, "Are you Tatsuya's harem members? My, you got some good taste Tatsuya, they're all beauties."





"Hey? Why are you guys not answering? You guys shy?", Sakura-san looked at confused.





"Hey, Tatsuya. Why are you saying anything?"


Sakura-san was just standing there with only a white bathrobe on her.

The white bathrobe that is covering her glorious body which is showing her beautiful curves as an adolescent male, I can't help myself but blush at Sakura-san's magnificent body. Water droplets are pouring down from her face as it slides down into her spectacular breast, I could see the water droplets going on between her two mountains.

When Sakura-san has gone out of the bathroom, the smell that oozing out of her was so pleasing that it could make a thousand men lost their sanity.

God damn it.

Why did she come out like that?!

"Awww, are you shy? I'm wearing a bathrobe, see?", Sakura-san said as she spins around making my head turn away as I could see a glimpse of her thigh and some part of her breast.

"Can you not do that?", I said angrily.

"Okay okay, what are you guys doing here? Are you here for Nao?"

"They're here because Hina-senpai wanted to apologize earlier because Naoki got blamed for what happened to me. And... I'm here to apologize for my sister's action.", I said dejectedly.

"Oh, I heard about what happened. But, don't worry, Nao is a strong child. She may doesn't seem like it, but she's strong, if she isn't she would have collapsed a long time ago. That's why I'm proud of her as a mother.", Sakura-san said.

I looked at her with widened eyes. When was the last time I heard something sensible from Sakura-san?

"Mmm... You thought something rude, right? Come here.", Sakura-san grinned then approached me quickly.

I was greeted by a mound of softness in my face, "MMMMPF?!"

I could feel her bare cleavage in my face?!

Then she started ruffling my hair hard, while saying, "Fufu, you thought I wouldn't sense that, you little rascal. You're too early to criticize this mother-in-law of yours."

While that's happening someone called to her, "Sakura! What are you doing!"

"Oh, honey~ I'm just teaching our son-in-law a lesson~", Sakura-san replied.

"Just let him go, and wore some clothes for god's sake. We have visitors and that's not appropriate to show to minors. Haa...", Haru-san said dejectedly.

Then what next, I heard a familiar voice, "What are you doing, mom?", Naoki asked.