We Met an Annoying Person

Naoki is the same as me?

What is Haru-san saying?

I don't get it.

What same?

I felt a loud beat sound coming out from my chest.






My mind went blank.

I can't think of anything.


I was in a daze.

I then looked at Naoki who's sleeping comfortably on her bed.

Suddenly, someone barged in. I turned my head slowly and saw Sakura-san holding a tray with medical pills and water on it.

"Oh, are you guys talking about something?", Sakura-san asked.

"Yeah, I'm talking something stuff that regards Naoki to Tatsuya.", Haru-san said then he smiled at his wife wryly.

Sakura-san who looked at his husband picked up something.

Sakura-san gave a dejected smile and stared at her daughter sleeping on the bed.

"That's why you're talking about, huh. Tatsuya, you need to send those little girls home, first. We'll take care of Naoki, don't worry.", Sakura-san said to me.

"Ah.", I snapped out of my daze.

"Uhh, okay, Sakura-san.", I responded.

I got up and glanced at Naoki once again before leaving her room, but before that. Sakura-san spoke, "Thank you for taking care of our Naoki, please continue doing that. We can't always protect as we're not always by her side, however since you're here, I hope you can help us by protecting her in our stead."

I could feel all her emotions through that statement, and her care for Naoki is 100% genuine. I glanced at both of them and saw how they both cherish their daughter's existence with all their life, they're probably even prepared themselves to sacrifice themselves just for their daughter to live happily.

The image of my parents flashed into my mind as I stare at both of them.

But before I could respond to Sakura-san, my heartbeat's rhythm changed.

But, my mouth involuntary moved, and I said, "Don't worry, that has been my job, Aunt Sakuya.", then I smiled.

Haru-san and Sakura-san stared at me dumbfounded, then Sakura-san got tears falling on her face.

Both of them didn't say a word just staring at me.

I felt something changed again. Once again, my heartbeat's rhythm changed like an orchestra changing symphony midway through the performance abruptly.

My mind went back to normal as if someone switched the power in my brain.

"I'll go ahead then.", I smiled.

I looked at Sakura-san who's got tears on her face. I assumed that she's very concerned about Naoki's well-being which had put a smile on my face. Even though she's playful and mischievous, but when it comes to Naoki she's full-on mom mode on her. You can't measure the love of a mother for her child.

Then I went downstairs to send the three to their respective homes.

When they saw me, they immediately approached me and barraged me with questions.

"Is she okay?", Ai-senpai said.

"What happened to her?", Hina-senpai said.

"Is Ikeda okay?", Yokota said.

"She's okay, she's just very tired.", I replied to them.

"We need to go, Haru-san and Sakura-san were taking care of her, so don't worry.", I added.

"Eh? Oh, okay?", Hina-senpai said in confusion.

✯ ✯ ✯

It didn't take that long but we exited the house of Ikeda after a few minutes and are now walking on the street towards their home.

We all stayed silent while walking.

Hina-senpai leaned towards me and asked, "Are you okay?"

I turned my head in confusion, and replied, "Hm? Why would you ask that? Of course, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because I could clearly see your eyes, right now.", Hina-senpai said as she narrows her eyes.

"Hm? I told you I'm fine—", the glabella between my two eyes twitched.

"You know what. Just go home.", Hina-senpai said in a stern voice.

Yokota and Ai-senpai heard that, and said, ""Eh?""

"I'm really okay though?", I answered.

"No, you're not.", Hina-senpai glaringly said while looking at me menacingly.

But, before I could even say anything, someone called, "Hina-senpai! I didn't expect to see you here!", a guy's voice called out to Hina-senpai.

We all turned our heads to the one calling Hina-senpai. It's dark so I didn't notice who it was, but as he gets close I saw someone familiar. One of my classmates who's got a harem at our school—Nagasawa Kazuo.

When Ai-senpai heard Nagasawa's voice her face turned stern as she looks at the guy walking towards us.

Even Hina-senpai, who got a stern face from looking at me. Now, she looks at the Nagasawa with an irritated expression.

Yokota on the other hand looked at him without a care.

Nagasawa finally walked towards with the gyaru girl who openly admitted her love to him at the introduction of class yesterday. What was her name again? Haru? H-Haru Meiko? I think that sounds about right.

"I didn't expect for you guys to be here.", Nagasawa-san said.

"So? What are you doing here?", Hina-senpai said with a clearly irritated tone.

"We went to a karaoke.", the gyaru replied. I not sure about her name.

Did they go to karaoke? And stayed there until it got dark? Well, why I care. He went to date with this gyaru, I assume. However, there are some missing people around him. Where's Arima's childhood friend and the sister of the student council president?

"Yeah, we went with our classmates. I'm just sending Rei to her home.", Nagasawa-san said.

Oh, it's a classmate party karaoke.

"Then go home it's late.", Hina-senpai said.

"I'll send you guys too since you guys are pretty near Rei's home.", Nagasawa-san offered and smiled at them.

Then the two noticed my presence and looked at my face. They got baffled. I saw the so-called Rei opened her mouth without saying but I could see her mouth go 'Wow' while looking at me.

"Uhh, who's this senpai?", Nagasawa-san said.

I'm standing here with them all this time, and you only noticed me now? How narrow is your vision?

"My cousin.", Hina-senpai said with a straight face.

I looked at Hina-senpai dumbfounded while thinking why would she say that, even Yokota and Ai-senpai looked at her the same way I did.

"Really?", Nagasawa-san said.

"Are you questioning me?", Hina-senpai said sternly.

"Eh? No! No! Right, Rei?", he turned his towards the gyaru girl who was still in a daze.

"Eh? Y-yeah!", she replied.

I saw Nagasawa flinched his eyebrows a little.

Then he turned his towards me and reach his hand to me, "My name is Nagasawa Kazuo, and you are?"

However, Hina-senpai put his arms in front of me, blocking me from reaching his hand, "His name is Wilford, he doesn't speak Japanese."

"Oh, sorry.", he retracted his hand.

Though, I don't know why Hina-senpai didn't want me to introduce myself.

"He just came back from Europe, and he's just here to take a vacation."

"Ah, I see, now that makes sense, I thought he can speak Japanese because of his black hair.", Nagasawa said.

Is he stupid? How can you say that? What kind of logic is that? He thought I'm Japanese because of my black hair? Or is he just making an excuse?

"Yeah, just from his face I could tell that he's half-blood.", the gyaru said as she held her chin.

For some reason, I'm getting irritated on this two. I don't know why.

That's why I decided to speak in English, "Hina, What are they talking about?", I asked Hina-senpai in English with a British accent that my mother taught me, my mother is from the United Kingdom that's her home country before she migrated to Japan because of my dad.

All of them were bewildered when they heard me spoke.

"Nothing.", Hina-senpai replied back in English.

"Oh, okay then.", I responded.

"Can't we go home, now?", I added.

"Y-Yeah.", Hina-senpai replied.

As the two of us are going back and forth while speaking English, Ai-senpai suddenly interjected and said, "Oops! I guess we've got no time. See you guys, later!"

Ai-senpai dragged Hina-senpai and my arms away from Nagasawa and her gyaru girlfriend. Yokota followed too. Leaving the two behind.

Hina-senpai and I were surprised at Ai-senpai's sudden abrupt action.

When we've gotten far and saw that Nagasawa and the girl gyaru found nowhere to be seen, we stopped.

"Uhm, what's with that Ai-senpai?", I asked.

"Hoo! That guy is gone, I can't really bear to see his even for a few seconds.", Ai-senpai sighed in relief.

Though, I was just standing there looking at her confused. Does she hate that guy?

"Uhh... Why did you drag us away?", I asked once again.

"I just can't stomach seeing that guy. And by the way, the way you spoke English is so cool!", Ai-senpai exclaimed.

"Eh? Oh, that. I learned it from my mom, she's half British.", I said.

"Yeah, that's very good, Okita-san.", Yokota interjected.

"Yep, I didn't expect that.", Hina-senpai added.

"Well, I just learned it out of a whim, but I don't really speak English that way. Umm, if I may add, why did you stop me from introducing myself?", I turned my head to Hina-senpai.

"Don't worry about that, it's better if you stay away from that guy.", Hina-senpai said.

"But, why though?", I asked in puzzlement.

"Don't ask questions.", Hina-senpai said in a stern voice.

"Yes!", I exclaimed.

"Haa... since we're pretty near, let's go.", Hina-senpai said.

After she said that we went to continue our walk.

But, during our walk Ai-senpai said something, "Kohai-chan, take Rika's advice earlier seriously. When I saw that Rika was trying to hide your identity, I knew that she's doing that to protect you. That's why I immediately took action. This is why I'm the VP! Buahaha", Ai-senpai laughed.

Ai-senpai's laugh sounds very stupid.

Though I don't know why Hina-senpai did that to protect me, was that guy really that bad? I appreciate it, but I really don't know why.

As I was having these kinds of thoughts, my head started getting light-headed for some reason.

"Yeah yeah, you're great Ai.", Hina-senpai said.

"Thank you, Rika!", Ai-senpai exclaimed she gave Hina-senpai a hug.

Then Yokota who's standing near beside me, asked, "So, you're really good-looking, huh."

"Eh? I guess so? Well, I did inherit it from my mom.", I said.

Why did Yokota ask that out of nowhere? I'm very confused. Did I forget something?

"Oh, then you're mom is a beauty then."

"Yeah! Her mom is a beautiful person! If you saw her earlier you would even gouge your eyes and drop your jaw because of her beauty!", Ai-senpai interjected.

"I guess so? Though, I really think that people exaggerate it.", I said.

As I was talking with the two, I saw Hina-senpai doing something on her phone and decided to ignore it.

"What?! That's no exaggeration!", Ai-senpai retorted.

"Ai shut your mouth you're so loud, we're walking in the street. Don't bother the neighbors.", Hina-senpai said while glaring at her.

I don't know but I think they're just an exaggeration because my mom and I face are unique to people here. Even though my mom is half-blood she doesn't really resemble a Japanese girl, that's why people who saw her immediately treat her as a foreigner. Well, technically she is.

That goes the same for me too, I remember when I was a kid since I got the same face as my mom even when I've got black hair. People would often mistake me as a foreigner too. That's why when my classmates in middle school saw me they felt uneasy when they started talking to me, they thought I came from another country. Now, that I remember it's very funny.


Middle school...?

Then we stopped in front of a house.

"We're here, Okita-kohai.", Hina-senpai said.

"Yeah, thanks for sending us Kohai-chan.", Ai senpai said.

"Thank you.", Yokota said last.

"Hey, are you okay, Okita-kohai?"

I felt very weak. My vision started getting blurry.

Then a black car stopped in front of us.

The door of the car slowly opened then I saw a female figure going out of the car but I can't see her face as my vision started getting blurry.

I felt very light-headed.

My eyelids are getting heavy.

My consciousness is fading.

What's happening to me?

I then fell into something soft that's when my world darkened.