I Didn’t Meant To Do That at All

"Hahahaha.", still laughing.

"Shut up—!!", Yuki said angrily while puffing her cheeks.

"Sorry sorry. I just can't help myself."

I caress her head while laughing.

"Just stop laughing!"

"Haha... I thought you're the scheming type, you're just trying to be like that, right?", I looked at her with a smile.

"Ahh! I know! I'm pretty bad at it, all right?! Even though grampa would teach me all those stuff, I can't really comprehend it.", Yuki said while downcasted.

"Hey, it's not bad. You helped me yesterday and solved the issue with them. I'm grateful that you're there."

"I didn't even do anything. I just mentioned my family name. They only got scared because of my background not because of me. I'm nothing without my family name...", Yuki said.

"It's not like you're nothing, but you kept your head calm and analyze the situation to protect me. You passed me the baton and showed them that you have a close relationship with me, which gave me some sort of authority and power over them...", then I held Yuki's hand interlocking it with mine.

I continued, "...Not only to them but the whole school. Telling every student in the school that I got the backing of the princess of the Hatsumi Family to protect me from people who will have animosity against me because you want to have a normal high school life with me, right?", playing with Yuki's thumb as I was saying that.

"Haa... Why does your keen observation so annoying? You analyze too much stuff or maybe I'm just too predictable?", Yuki said with a desperate sigh.

"Nope, it's the contrary. I can't predict you or what you're thinking. It took me like a few hours since I've been observing your behavior towards me, I just knew that all those things are to protect me. It's pretty basic stuff, every person could realize that. Laying the groundwork then analyze.", I smiled at Yuki.

"If you said I am, I'll probably punch you. But, I guess you're correct. I did confess to you. However, aren't you too trusting towards me? What if Naoki and I were lying to you? That we said all of that to gain something to you?", Yuki looked at me with her wavering eyes.

"Like what? You can't get something from me nor gain something since I'm only a high school student and I'm not a noble but you are. I told you, I trust my guts, and my guts are telling me that you guys are trustworthy."

"Haa... These guts of yours again... Okay, you're correct. I mentioned my identity to everyone so that no pest will bother me anymore like the first day, and so that people would just leave you alone because of what Naoki created."

Though Naoki didn't do anything, the fault was at the guys looking at us. Envy and jealousy, it's all over their faces whenever they see Naoki with me. Because of that, the hostility towards me grew. Plus, I'm like an outsider in this school since I'm a new student here.

Like what Arima said, most of the students here have all been together ever since middle school. I'm just a stranger with a beautiful girl clinging to my side. Maybe, they're thinking that I'm like one of those big-headed arrogant people like the Oye and Fukuda guy.

Seeing the reactions and the look they're giving to the two when they saw their downfall, I presume that they're one of the most disliked people here. These are just my assumptions, I still have no way of verifying it since the only people I knew are two Yokota sisters, Hina-senpai and Arima. They're the only people with whom I personally had a proper conversation, I'm excluding the senpais at the Mystery club. The reason being, my conversation with them is so little that I couldn't even manage to get to know them.

"Yeah, that's pretty obvious.", I answered.

"But, throughout that, I forgot my goal. I was too focused on my goal that I forgot everything around me."

"Like, your action on my class?"

"Yeah... I thought that once people could get a glimpse of our relationship, we could just do whatever we want, but I forgot that Naoki was in the picture too. I became too selfish..."

"Well, everyone can be selfish at times too."

"I know... But, that clumsiness could be devastating to me. I forgot that I'm staying at a commoner school..."

"Was the polygamous relationship is a normal thing for nobles?", I asked Naoki.

"Yeah, grandpa said that some nobles, mostly the head or the patriarch had one or few mistresses but they're not legally the wife nor they had the title of it."

"Because the law dissolved the polygamy thing in our country, that's understandable."

"That too, having mistresses are pretty normal but grandpa said that it's still a disgrace in the eyes of the noble society."

"But, they would still do it, right?"


"I guess, it's pretty much the same for commoners."


"Hm...? I said it's pretty much the same because commoners have mistresses too, but they call it adultery or cheating and that applies to nobilities too."

"Oh, I know that too."

"See? It's pretty much the same. The only problem was that you became too obsessive about building this relationship with me and showing it to others, that you forgot that it could damage our reputation and our life along with it. It's not about commoners or nobles. It's about how you lost track of your surroundings not because of that reason. Stop making excuses.", I flicked Yuki's head and smiled.

"Aw!", Yuki exclaimed.

"I appreciate your efforts but remember you're not the only one in this thing, Naoki, you and I are all together that's why it's better if you could talk about it to us first. All right?", I tightened my grip on her hand.

"Muuu—... Not fair... How could say something so cool... Haa... Okay, I admit it. It's really my fault... But, don't say it on my face! Be considerate towards me, I'm one of your future girlfriends!"

"Yes yes, I know. I'm just telling this because I worry and care about you."

Yuki flinched, then she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, and said shakingly, "T-T-That's unfair...", and her whole flushed in redness.

Upon seeing her acting like that, something woke inside of me.

I leaned to her approached her vulnerable left ear, "Hahaha. You look so cute, right now, Yuki.", I whispered seductively.

"S-S-S-Stop that...", Yuki said whimperingly.

Lifting her hand that I was holding and kissed it, after that, I gently bite her soft delicate hand. I then looked at her lustrous amethyst eyes. However, her reaction was not what I expected because she was heavily panting while looking at me with her eyes full of lustfulness. It sent cold shivers through my spine.

I was planning to goof around with her at how cute her expressions are; however, I regret it. Because after that, she immediately forced herself to me.


The only sound of erotic wet noise of our tongues intertwining could only be heard at the back seat with our lips locking. As I was about to stop her and say something to her, I lost all my reasoning and fell succumb to her alluring sweet lips.

Kissing like there's no tomorrow, our hands are still interlocked with each other. Due to that, my other free hand slipped in her school uniform reaching to her ravishing milky white skin. Upon touching it, I could feel the softness and smoothness of her skin— A goddess skin.

Caressing her waist, I don't feel any fat or plumpness she's fit and her muscles are tight which made sense since she knew how to fight or well-versed in martial arts.

Upon reaching her belly, my hand glided bit by bit downwards to which she stopped sucking and let out a weird sound from her mouth. As a result of that, she did the same and slid her hand through my uniform and started caressing my abdominal muscle and slowly sliding her hand downwards.

But, someone abruptly knocked on the window, "Milady, we are at the school campus."

Hearing that, all of my senses came back to me, Yuki was the same as well. I couldn't help myself but blush in redness, realizing how I lost to Yuki's succumb seduction once again.

Yuki sat properly and fixed her uniform to which became disheveled because of what I did. I did the same. I fixed my clothes.

Then Yuki turned her head with her luxurious amethyst eyes staring at me, and said, "You're the one who started it.", with a smirk on her face.

Upon hearing that, I let my face down and said, "Yeah, I know..."

I can't even blame her since I was the one who initiated it, and Yuki just responded to which I fell into temptation once again. Wiping out the saliva around my lips, I spoke, "By the way, don't forget what I said, all right? About your tendency to show your affection in public."

"Yep, I'll refrain from doing our lovey-dovey act whenever we are in public.", Yuki replied mischievously.

"Haa...", I sighed.

"I know, I know, I'm just kidding around. Hahaha.", Yuki laughed cutely and leaned towards me, giving me a quick peck on the lips. Yuki then gave me a beaming smile.

To which I unconsciously smiled back.

"What dirt did you find on the principal? I'm curious.", I asked.

"Even that? I'll tell you about it later, they're probably guessing why we took so long here.", Yuki replied.

"Ah, yeah..."

Upon going out of the vehicle, I could clearly see that we are still garnering attention from random passerbys' or students. Scanning the surrounding I saw my elder sister with her arms crossing on her chest while looking at Yuki and me with a grim expression. Naoki on the other hand was looking at the both of us with envious eyes.

I wryly smiled in their direction with my one hand waving at them.

The two slowly walked towards us.

I could feel the goosebumps getting me.

Then my elder sister spoke in a chilling voice, "So, what did you do?" while looking at me with a nerve-racking piercing look.

"Hm...? What are you talking about?", I nervously said.

"You know what I'm talking about.", Nee-san said sternly.

"I don't know, what you are talking about. We are only sitting at the back, what kind of things are you thinking?", I said while I could feel the cold sweats forming in my back.

"Su—", but before she could even anything someone interrupted her.


Then we all turned our heads towards it and saw Arima waving his hand towards me.

He then stopped in front of us, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so early here, it's like 7:49 am. What brings you early here?"

"Oh, Arima, morning. Nothing, We just woke up early than expected.", I replied.

"Oh, I see.", Arima then looks at the golden-haired emerald-eyed young lady near us.

He was stunned for a sec, then he asked me, "Who's she? One of your lovers?", he whispered to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and angrily said, "Hell no! She's my older sister!"

"Oh shit, for real?!", Arima was stunned, then he started contemplating.

No one heard it, only Yuki to which she giggled upon hearing it.

Then Nee-san approached me and started smelling me and checking me at close proximity to which garner some attention from other people.

"What are you doing, Nee-san?", I asked.

"You lied. I can clearly tell that wench ki—.", Nee-san said sternly.

I immediately panicked, and covered her mouth with my hand, and said, "All right! You're gonna be late for your school, Nee-san!", then I gave her forehead a quick peck.

Nee-san was stunned, but I could see the side of her mouth twitching.

"Okay, I'll go but you need to explain it to me at home, all right?", Nee-san said in a cold voice.

Coldness shivered through my spine, hearing that.

"Y-Yeah.", I replied.

Then her face turned 180.

"Good, I'll get going then. See you later, Suya.", Nee-san waved her hand at me with a smile.

"B-Bye.", I waved back.

I bid goodbye to my older sister. She went in the car while waving at me, after that, I saw the car drove off.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"What was that?", Arima asked.

"It's better if you don't ask it.", I replied dejectedly.

"Eh? O-Okay?", Arima said in puzzlement.