Hello, Tatsuya

Entering the house.

A little child greeted me in front of the door, happily looking up with a thousand-watt smile and glistening eyes, as she stands there with her lovely panda stuffed toy in her embrace while wearing a hamster pajama. Upon seeing me, she exclaimed cutely.


With her one arm extending to me, I know what she wants, which is to carry her in my arm. I complied and picked her up. Amidst that, I didn't let go of Naoki's hand. At that moment, Asuka, who's on my arm and the other is intertwined with Naoki, both are occupying my hands.

"Nii! Let's go play!"

"Oh, sorry, Asuka. Nii needs to do something first, we'll play later, okay?" I smiled.

"Ehhh~? Why? I bought Bear-san with me, and wants to play with us too!"

"Sorry, Asuka and Bear-san. But, Nii really needs to something. How about this, we'll eat tomorrow some ice cream at the shopping center?"

"Hm..." Asuka contemplated cutely, as she holds her chin.