The Truth (1)



I walked towards Naoki and Yuki followed along behind me. As I'm waving at her, I saw the person she's assisting. It was a young male who seems to be about in the same range as ours? When he noticed me waving at Mari-san, he gave me a sharp glare.

"Mari-san, how are you? It's been almost a month since I last saw you."

"Look at you, you're fully grown up. Time passes so quickly." Mari-san started wiping out the non-existent tears in her eyes.


"Hahaha, but in honesty, you have really quite grown more matured." Mari-san then approached and gave me a friendly embrace. Then she continued.

"Look at this, your muscles are more firm and well-defined. Are you lifting weights now?"

"Yeah, it's from my father's dietary program."

"Ohh, it's from Okita-san. I see I see, he did a good job of training you. Well, he's pretty hot too."
