Chapter 140: Getting Asuka (2)

"Waaah, so adorable~! Asuka-chan~!" A woman at the supermarket rushes to us while carrying a shopping basket over her arm. However, before she could even touch Asuka's cheek, she got slapped by the little one and buried her face to hide.

"Sorry, she's just upset... I hope you won't mind."

"Oh, don't mind it. She often does that to me which makes her adorable. I can't wait to hold her one of these days."

I slowly backed away because the woman was creepy, especially because of her heavy breathing. I almost said my honest thoughts out loud, unconsciously. 'Lolicon.'

"Oh, she's my friend, Tatsuya." Aunt Ayaka said.

"Ah! Nice to meet you, I'm Okita Tatsuya, Aunt Ayaka's niece."