[Bonus chapter] Chapter 1: Asuka POV

My name is Toma Asuka~! Asuka love watching Neko-san on the television and Asuka love Mama also Papa~! But, Asuka's Papa doesn't want to meet Asuka anymore because Asuka is not a good girl... But! Asuka promised to be a good girl so that Asuka Mama won't leave me.

Asuka's Mama works hard for Asuka. Mama always cooks delicious for Asuka and always showers me with love because she loves Asuka dearly much! Mama would always prioritize Asuka before anything else. That's why I love Mama! But, Asuka noticed that Mama always looks sad whenever Asuka sees Mama alone, that's why Asuka will always be with Mama so that she wouldn't be sad anymore~!

One day, Mama said Asuka will have a new playmate, a cousin. Asuka is very nervous because Mama said the brother will be living with us 'due to circumstances', but Asuka doesn't understand what Mama said.