The Tale of Two Brothers (2)

"Your Highness Crown Prince, General Marc requests to see you," a soldier reported to Crown Prince Ignis Lunaris, the heir of the throne that would soon take over the Lunar Kingdom.

Prince Ignis raised his sword eyebrows and spared a glance towards the soldier that got stiff immediately. Truthfully, the soldier didn't want to take the duty as Prince Ignis' guard because the Crown Prince was too frightening.

One glance from his red eyes could make everyone cower in fear.

While Prince Ignis was very handsome, with thick and straight eyebrows, a deep gaze, and defined facial features, he was not the gentle one.

In fact, Prince Ignis was far from the word 'kind'. He was ruthless, demanding, and unforgiving even to his subordinates.

Though the military improved a lot since he came in as a second general-in-training, he ruled with an iron fist that made everyone too scared to raise their opinions.

"Let him in," Prince Ignis said.

"Yes, sir!"

General Marc entered the tent and saw Prince Ignis reading some documents with his leg crossed. He wore an unbuttoned shirt that showed all his abs without shame. He was always like this, serious with his work, but also unrestrained and a bit wrong in the head.

"So, what do you want?" Prince Ignis asked with his eyes still on the document.

"My Prince, Her Majesty Queen Seria wants you to return with a gift for your brother, Prince Corvus, as a sign of goodwill, do you—"

General Marc shut his mouth instantly when Prince Ignis summoned a flame bird that was only an inch away from burning his face. "Shut your mouth before I burn it," Ignis threatened malevolently.

"P—Pardon me, sir…"

Prince Ignis flicked his finger, and the flame bird vanished and turned into smoke instantly. He continued reading the document and commented, "Tell my mother that I will never give that lunatic anything. My only gift for him is hellfire for his sin."

Prince Ignis clenched the documents until it was crumpled. "That lunatic doesn't deserve to live after what he did to my father and little sister. But my mother decided to just seal him inside the tower, what a useless action."

"… My prince, it's been ten years since he has been isolated, and it's been ten years since you followed me in military training and governing. You still haven't forgiven Prince Corvus yet?"

Prince Ignis laughed as if he just heard a funny joke. He burned the document on his hand, leaned on the sofa, and looked at General Marc with a sneer on his face. "Then, let me ask you this, if your brother killed your dearest father and little sister who was barely five years old in front of you, what will you do? Will you pat him in the head and say good job?"

"… No, My Prince," General Marc replied truthfully. In fact, maybe if he was in Prince Ignis' position, he might never be able to forgive Prince Corvus as well.

Because it was a known fact that Prince Corvus turned into a monster that day and killed King Orion and Princess Serena in cold blood. Maybe it was because of him losing control of his power, but that was the scariest part.

When someone lost control over his power and killed his loved ones, then something was definitely wrong with him.

Prince Ignis sneered, "Just tell Queen Mother that letting him live is already a forgiveness for his deed."

General Marc stared at the handsome young man in front of him. He watched Prince Ignis growing up from a small bratty kid to a powerful man with amazing charisma and control.

But Prince Ignis also grew up to be a little wrong in the head after witnessing that accident involving Prince Corvus and the king and the little princess's death.

Prince Ignis became slightly deranged, remorseless, and cruel. He had no interest in those beauties that was offered to him. All he wanted to do was to unleash his anger and torment.

Seeing that Prince Ignis' mood was not good, General Marc reluctantly asked, "My Prince, Her Majesty also asked whether you have chosen a lady to be your bride or not…"

"Tell her that I will never marry," Prince Ignis replied short without allowing any chance of discussion.

Well, those beauties were also scared of him because of his overbearingness.

General Marc couldn't help but wish inside his heart. 'I wish he will meet a young lady that will give him the peace and serenity he longed for so long…'

General Marc still couldn't fathom why Prince Ignis were not interested in beauties. He thought that maybe Prince Ignis had a different preference, but when he sent a handsome boy, Prince Ignis almost burn the whole camp to the ground.

Well, in fact, Ignis just had no interest in dealing with those nauseating noble girls with their pretence and complicated traditions. He glanced at the lake from the window and saw a black swan that was leading its goslings. He snorted in response;

"Tch, I swear, I would rather marry that black swan than marrying a troublesome noble girl."