Dance Partner (1)


Anna yelled something completely unrelated, which shocked everyone, including Prince Ignis.

The absolutely powerful Prince Ignis gawked stupidly at this maid who didn't put him in her eyes at all. Instead, she stared at the wine glass like she was staring at something precious, "Why are you staring at that wine glass? Don't you see who is embracing you right now?!" Prince Ignis said, but it sounded cute, like a kid who demanded attention.

Anna finally spared some of her attention towards Crown Prince Ignis and struggled to release herself from Ignis' clutch, "P—Pardon me, Your Highness… did I do something wrong?" Anna asked politely, but then, her eyes dropped again at the shattered wine. She started counting the amount of saving she had.

'I only have seven hundred fifty Eyrs saved in my piggy bank. Since I have to pay for this wine glass, that means I only have… one hundred fifty eyrs?! NOOOO!'

Anna was shocked by the amount that she had to pay. Because of this, her goal to leave the kingdom and find the white swan got pushed back way from her planned schedule.

Anna continued to mumble, counting the amount that she needed to save after her monthly salary, so she could get enough to find the white swan.

Prince Ignis felt humiliated because of this, in front of almost all noblewomen who were admiring him. Yet, this one average maid dared to ignore him?!

Prince Ignis gritted his teeth because he had been shamed.

Anna finally felt uncomfortable and struggled harder, "Y—Your Highness, did I do something wrong? Please join the banquet again. Everyone is watching you right now."

"What do I care? It is my kingdom anyway. I can do whatever I want," Ignis replied. He smirked maliciously and continued, "Including killing you, insolent girl."

Anna pondered for a moment, then he was thinking about the possibility that this was just an empty threat, "Killing me? But Your Highness, I am just a regular maid. I haven't done anything criminal. You may be seen as villainous to your people for killing an innocent maid."

"Besides… you don't even know my name, right?"

Anna sighed, "Your Highness, I know that you are a powerful prince and also very charismatic, but it is also important for you to engage in a conversation first before talking about other things. Communication is important, you know?"

Well, that was true. Ignis didn't know this girl's name. He just used to spirit stone to peek at this girl who was sleeping in his bed. He was a bit confused because usually, people would never try to fight him when he threatened them.

But somehow, he felt that he needed to listen to this maid once, "Okay then, what is your name?"

"Your Highness, this humble maid's name is Anna," Anna introduced herself humbly, "Um… Your Highness, would you mind releasing my hand? People are watching..."

"Ah, yes, my apologies," Ignis released Anna's wrist gently.

Anna showed a thin smile and distanced herself. She did a small curtsy and bowed. Then she smiled bitterly at the shattered wine glass again, "Please excuse me, Your Highness. I need to clean the shards."

"Ah… yeah, go on. I will be standing here."

Everyone: …

Anna took a broom and started swiping the glass shard while Prince Ignis was standing in his position, waiting for Anna to finish.

"Your Highness, raise your feet. I need to clean the shards under your shoes," Anna commanded.

"Okay," the crazy and domineering Prince Ignis raised one foot after another until Anna finished cleaning the glass shard. She took a relieved breath and nodded at the Prince. "Okay then, Your Highness, I'm just a regular maid here. You are the star of the banquet. I beg you not to come to me because I have to clean many things."

"Your Highness might not know this, but one wine glass cost six hundred eyrs. That is a lot for a maid like me. Please be careful next time."

"Yes… my apologies."

Everyone: …

Everyone was both tense and bewildered by this scene. When Anna was swiping the floor, hundreds of high-ranking nobles were staring at her, and they were all silenced. Well, mainly because Crown Prince Ignis also stayed silent while watching Anna cleaning the glass shard.

Ignis felt like he was hypnotized by such a calm and mature demeanour. This maid was not scared of him, but she was also not scheming as she didn't try to seduce him at all.

All she did was just… doing her job. Not minding everyone's business, she just did her job diligently. Even when she commanded Ignis, he felt like he was obliged to follow her command because there was no harm in it.

Anna did another small curtsy and said, "Please excuse me, Your Highness."

'Wait, I am Crown Prince Ignis Lunaris! Why did I get led by a lowly maid?!'

"Stay there!"

"Huh?" Anna turned her head when Prince Ignis pulled her to his embrace again, but this time he was gentler;

"Who said you can leave? Queen Mother told me that I can pick anyone in the banquet as my dance partner!"

"And you will be my dance partner!"

'What happened with killing and punishment?' Everyone pondered.