Prologue : The Dragon

"I can't see anywhere in this darkness making it easy for him to hide in it and use it for sneak attacks, what a coward, In that case, I'll just have to even things up."

Elijah says, muttering to himself as he began to shine even brighter than he was before.

"Heavenly art : Rays of infinite radiation."

A bright light comes out of Elijah and immediately expands like an explosion as it began to erase the thick darkness that had enveloped him at the spot he stood.

Paimon is blinded by the light as it became to intense for him to look directly at. Before he could regain himself, a fist connects with his jaw sending him flying a few meters away.


"Now we can get back to our little fight."

Elijah remarks adjusting his fists.

"Why, you little….."


Paimon says as he rushes towards Elijah and both men continue their battle with renewed vigor, both individuals keep on exchanging blows with Elijah keeping pace with Paimon and his onslaught.

Paimon tries to punch Elijah but only succeeds in hitting the ground causing a crater with Elijah going behind him and connecting with his side using his feet.

Paimon is seen struggling to get back to his feet as he began to crawl away with Elijah following closely behind.

"No, not yet… it can't end like this, I won't defeated by a mere mortal!!!!"

Paimon yells out in frustration.

"Tch… Heavenly art : ball of spiraling light."

Elijah mutters under his breath.

Paimon turns to face Elijah but is greeted with a close range attack as Elijah moves towards him with immense speed and connects the ball in his right hand with Paimon's guts.

The attack is massive as it sends a huge amount of energy through Paimon and destroys the earth behind him with Paimon screaming at the impact and immense pain caused by the attack having a direct hit.


"I guess in the end it didn't really matter that you were an earl, although I should thank you for underestimating me so greatly."

Elijah says in a low tone.


Paimon stands speechless.

"Now go back to the hellish kingdom you crawled out of."

Elijah remarks in a condescending manner.

Elijah pulls his hand from Paimon to reveal a large hole at the area his attack had connected with Paimon.

Paimon coughs up a lot of blood before falling head first into the ground as his body began to turn to dust.


"Rest in pieces. Now to find a way to get out of here and regroup with the others, hopefully they are done at their end as well."

Elijah remarks as he lets out a sigh. He turns to leave but is stopped in his tracks by a loud voice.

"Well, well, well, would you look at that… you actually defeated an earl of hell all on your own, that's indeed a huge feat considering how you humans haven't received any prior training before now."


Elijah stops in his tracks as he heard the voice and turns to see who had spoken.


"Who's there??"

Elijah calls out, looking around as he did so.

"Oh my, forgive my manners… I completely forgot to introduce myself."

The voice replies.

A dark figure drops down not too far from where Elijah stood, when the figure arose Elijah could finally make out its physical appearance.

The figure was quite humanoid with a few alterations like having a horn protruding from the middle of his forehead, also there were horns protruding out of his elbows with his skin having tiny bumps all around, his irises where red while his cornea was a bright yellow, his nails seemed like those of a wild beast with a wicked smile on his face…


"My name is Draco, I am a member of the NAMED. Nice to make your acquaintance."

The figure remarks as he made a slight bow.

"Draco??...  I don't think I know you and what the hell is the Named??"

Elijah asks with a confused look on his face.

"Oh you do know me although in an arbitrary sense. I go by another name actually.The Dragon of the apocalypse. The one who pulled down a third of the heavens with a single tail flick, ring any bells yet??... come on you should know me."

Draco remarks with a grin.

"Wait what."

Elijah says with shock in his eyes as he began to move backwards on instinct.

"No need to be so shocked, I watched your battle with Paimon and I must say I am impressed… it's quite a shame that I just have to end you here. I would have loved to see you grow stronger, but then orders are orders…"

Draco remarks with regret, letting out a sigh.

"What are you saying to me right now??... I don't understand."

Elijah remarks, steeling his nerves as he made a stand.

"Wow. Others would have collapsed just by being in the same area as me and feeling the pressure from my aura but you are still standing. You really are an impressive human, Elijah."

Draco remarks thoroughly impressed.

"Enough with the flattery. Who sent you and why are you here??"

Elijah asks without mincing words.

"The princes of hell have gotten wary of the presence of the Chosen. You lot were not in the original plans and so your presence has caused the princes to backtrack on their plans for the destruction of humanity. Do you understand what I am saying to you??"

Draco explains as he turned away from Elijah.

"So they decided to get rid of the Chosen, once and for all."

Elijah mutters under his breath as his worries began to mount.

"Exactly. But then the fact that they would awaken a member of the Named means that they see you guys as a serious threat that must be completely suppressed."

Draco remarks.

"Who are the Named??"

Elijah asks casually.

"You could call us the third most powerful group in hell, only surpassed by the princes and our dark god, Lucifer. Though in actuality, there are some amongst my group that care not for titles or politics and so would not bother with trying to become a prince of hell."

Draco replies casually with a grin.

"If you are the apocalypse dragon, how come you are awakened now??... Armageddon hasn't arrived yet."

Elijah remarks as he took a step forward.

"That is very true, Armageddon hasn't arrived yet. but the amount of destruction that has occured was enough to wake me from my slumber. I may not be at full strength but I am still a harbinger of the end."

Draco replies turning to face Elijah.

"You are a high ranking demon sent by the upper echelons of hell to kill me."

Elijah remarks in a solemn tone.

"You catch on quickly."

Draco remarks with sad eyes.

"I see... Then why are you being so friendly??"

Elijah asks.

"As I said, I am impressed by your resolve and so you have earned my respect. Even though I am here to kill you, you still reserve the right to ask questions."

Draco replies without mincing words.

"I won't be going down so easily."

Elijah remarks as he got into a fighting stance.

"I would have it no other way."

Draco replies with a smile.


Elijah doesn't move as he studies his opponent carefully.

"Five minutes. I give you five minutes to land a blow strong enough to cut my skin. in these five minutes, I will not fight back and would only dodge and block your attacks."

Draco remarks as he put up his right palm.

"Is this some kind of game to you??"

Elijah asks with a raised brow.

"Not at all. I am only giving you a chance to save yourself. it is only right I do so."

Draco replies.

"Are you trying to trick me??"

Elijah asks.


Draco replies as he places his hands behind him.

"Now come."

Draco remarks as he stared intently at Elijah.


"Fine then."

Elijah says as he charges towards Draco at faster than light speeds...