Duplicate chapter ( do not read )

"Huh, why would he say that??... Does he know that I am worried about getting hurt during the course of the duel??"

Commander Keller wondered as she stared intently at Arthur whom had a cheerful expression.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just officiate for us."

Arthur says again causing Keller to be sure that he knew about her worries.

"That's incredible insight. Well I guess I shouldn't worry so much. I mean they seem so calm after all but comparing them to me is crazy talk. Well Arthur also said everything would be fine so I should just trust him for now."

Commander Keller muttered to herself as she took a breath to steel her nerves before moving forward.

"So will you officiate our duel??"

Amina asks.

"Yes of course. I will officiate your match as regards to your wishes."

Commander Keller says with a forced smile while trying to hide her nervousness.