Chapter 17 : A spear and A staff II

"Anyways, the real fight starts now. I am fully interested in seeing how this turn out."

Arthur remarks, anticipating the clash that was about to take place.

"Same here."

Xena replied with a nod.

The other knighs present seemed to share the same desire but chose to keep their thoughts private as they watched the spectacle about to unfold.

"If I am being honest, I am quite impressed with how you were able to deal with my thrust."

Amina finally says after standing silent for a moment.

"Hehe, now you have no choice but to fight me with your full arsenal."

Elizabeth remarks with a chuckle, certainly enjoying herself due to her quick thinking.

"Do you really want that for yourself??"

Amina asked with a calm gaze as she regained her composure.

"Huh??... What do you mean by that??"

Elizabeth asked as he facial expression crumpled slightly due to the odd question posed by her opponent.