"I should try to get her over to the dark side as soon as possible. But I'd have to move subtly in case that bastard Alex did something to her sense of judgement. Who knows what the two of them talked about while I was watching the other knights duke it out. In any case, let's just see how this plays out."
Commander Stanton remarks to himself in a low voice while nodding in agreement with his words.
Just then, a click is heard on the other side of the door after which it opens to reveal Elena standing on the other side with a sulky expression on her face.
Elena had managed to calm the turbulence she felt in her heart but changing to a different light in such a short amount of time wasn't possible this causing her to appear before commander Stanton with a sulk.
"At least, he wouldn't know that I was crying a minute ago and even if he asks about my sulky facial expression, I could just tell him that it's related to the project I am currently working on."