Chapter 1

Raven POV

Two years later.

The trees blurred past me as I ran. My tiny legs moving as fast as they could to take me to safety. My waist length hair whipping around me as moved. Risking a chance, I glanced behind me to find the villagers catching up to me. They were covering the distance between us quickly. Tripping on a moss covered rock, I fell, skidding on the forest ground. I grunted in pain and tried to stand before they reached me. My hair was suddenly pulled and I was yanked roughly to my feet. One of the villagers slapped me across the face. He didn't stop with one hit though. He continuously slapped me until my lip was split open, the blood leaking down my tattered dress. Another man pulled me away from my abuser only to push me onto the ground, my cheek slamming on the floor. My small body shaking with the impact. The five men that surrounded me then proceeded to kick and punch me. They didn't abuse me as punishment. They just wanted me to cry out in pain. I never did. Through the abuse, I kept silent like a doll. I never uttered a word for them. I just laid on the ground while the beating continued. Once they had their fill, one spat on me. "Filthy freak." "Never steal food from the priest again!" They shouted at me, walking away. Yes I was a freak to them. I was an outcast in the village. Asra is a village where everyone had olive colored skin. Their hair were brown and they had light brown or topaz coloured eyes. I however had pale white skin and my hair was raven black. But what labelled me a freak to them were my eyes. I had dual coloured eyes. My right eye was cobalt blue while, my left eye was a crimson red colour. Like I said, I was a freak to them. Let's not forget. I'm a six year old child that was always a target for their abuse. Once I was alone, I struggled to stand. My entire body was aching. My ribs felt sore. The skin around my eye was puffy. My lip was swollen twice it's size. Ow. It hurts. Leaning against the tree, I panted. I've had enough. I can't take it anymore. For five years I've been putting up with the abuse of the villagers all because I look different. They have been picking on me since I was a year old. First was starvation. The village chief had the duty of taking care of any orphans. He never did that for me. I had to learn to survive on my own. Eating berries, then soft nuts. Learning to fish at three. Doing everything I could to survive. The beatings didn't start until I was two. All because I was a little different. Gathering the remainder of what little strength I had, I pushed myself away from the tree and ran. I didn't care where I went. I just wanted to get away. My muscles protested and my side throbbed in pain. With my eye swollen, it was hard to see. I tripped multiple times. The final time I tripped, I slammed face first into a tree. A gash opened up on my forehead. The blood leaked into my eyes. Wiping it away, I looked down, seeing vines tangled around my legs. Sighing, I untangled my legs as I laid there, resting. My body needed to heal. Closing my eyes, I drifted to sleep. Another reason why I was the village freak was my healing abilities. A few months ago, after my fifth birthday, the village head had ordered the men to give me a beat. They thought I had stolen provisions from the food cabin. The men had beaten me so badly that I was in the verge of death. I was accepting death with open arms. They had thrown me in the ditch where the bodies of the slain villagers were, leaving me for dead. I had passed out due to the beatings. By the next morning, when I awoke, all of my injuries were healed. Due to that, the villagers took out their frustration on me. Beating me for every and any little thing that got them angry, or what they could blame me with. I had grown use to it. That was my life. But I still hated it. Hours later, I woke up to the sound of the wolves howling. The swelling around my eye was gone and my lip had returned to its normal size. As well as the throbbing pain in my side. My split lip and the gash on my head were healed. Using the tree as support, I stood up. Leaning against the bark for a few moments, I looked around at the forest. At night, the forest was breathtakingly beautiful. The fireflies lit the dark forest, illuminating the area around me. They swarmed around me, tickling me. I giggled. The fireflies flew off deeper in the forest. I followed them. They led me to a waterfall in the middle of the forest.  It was a double flowing waterfall. The waterfall was surrounded moss covered hills and tall trees. The water flowed down the falls, into a small basin before flowing into a clear river. The grass near the falls were greener. I stared in awe. It was beautiful. Especially when the clouds parted and the full moon shone it's light on the clear, still waters. I ran up to the falls, climbing to the basin and sat on the edge. I dangled my legs off the edge, playing with the water. It felt cool on my skin. Sighing I slipped into the pool. I loved the water. Living in a broken down hut, I didn't have access to water and electricity like the other villagers. I took baths in the lakes or rivers that encircled the village. For food, it was only fruits, mostly berries and sometimes mushrooms. Very rarely I would fish. The village head didn't provide for me. It was his responsibility to care for everyone in his village. However he and the priests didn't care if I lived or died. Last year, they came up with this idea to please the forest beast by offering him women. Like that would even work. Yes it may be working now, but it wouldn't for long. Sooner or later the beast would attack us again. I was actually looking forward to that day. I stayed in the pool until my fingers and toes had shriveled up. Stepping out the water, I shivered as the cold night air blew. My dress was soaking wet. Oops. I was so eager to have a bath that I forgot to undress. Oh well. Nothing a little fire would dry once I returned home. I climbed down from the basin, slipping on the moss. I fell on my behind. Standing up I heard the sound of the crickets chirping, as fireflies flew around the waterfalls. The frogs croaked near by. I smiled to myself. Nature is really wonderful. Looking around, I realized I didn't know how to get back to the village. I had followed the fireflies not paying attention to the area. Deciding to walk in random directions, hoping one of the paths led to the village, I left the waterfall, with the intention of returning soon. Wandering through the maze of the forest, I kept getting lost. My feet were getting blisters on them. The clouds had now covered the moon, making it impossible to see where I was walking. I stumbled a lot, but thankfully I never fell. For hours I walked, trying to find my way back to the village. Instead I ended up further and deeper in the forest. The moon was now high in the sky. It was really late. Finally giving up, I sat in front of a tree, leaning against the bark. I guess I'll just sleep outside tonight. In the cold. The wind blew and I shivered. Bringing my knees up, I wrapped my tiny arms around them, placing my head on top of my bent knees. The night was getting colder, the wind picking up. Looks like a storm is approaching. Suddenly the ground beneath me shook. Growling sounds came from behind me. Turning around, I watched as the ground split open and a large hand shot out. It's nails sinking into the ground as a large creature pulled itself up. I watched as a massive head emerged from the now gaping hole in the ground. It had long curling horns that curved down to his chin. I don't know what they were, but whatever it was, it covered the creature's face and it looked sharp. Its teeth were protruding out of its mouth. The body slowly emerged. Like it's head, the rest of the body was red and black. It looked like molten rocks that formed the body. The creature was huge. My eyes travelled up the massive body stopping at the beast's crimson red eyes. I think I have just discovered the beast of the forest.