Chapter 3

Amon's POV

Two years later.

What the hell was I doing with this kid? I've been asking myself that question for the past two years now. I should have killed her when I first saw her. This kid was so annoying. But I didn't kill her. Why the hell didn't I kill her?

Raven was playing in the river hidden deep in the forest. I watched from the trees as she skipped over the rocks in the river. Her dark hair swaying with her movements. It always amazed me how she was always able to find me. Every time I appeared in this realm I would emerge at a different place, yet she always found me.

Two years ago when she discovered the place where I would emerge in the human realm, she didn't seem to be afraid. What child isn't afraid of a fifty foot tall demon? Given I can change my size, but still. Normal humans are afraid of me. So why isn't she?

"Amon! Come play with me!" I heard Raven shout over the flow of the river.

"No. You know I can't do that. The water would evaporate." I explained.

"Oh right." She said, disappointment seeping into her voice.

Did she want to play with me that much? She did say she didn't have any friends. I could go into the river with her, but that means I would have to turn into my human form. Well not human, but more like, less demonic form. In that form, I took on the appearance of a mortal man. I was six feet four inches, with medium brown hair and deep green eyes. I looked as though I was twenty five human years.

I have never appeared in front of Raven in that form. She seemed as though she was afraid of humans. Last year, when she found me, she had cuts covering her arms and her left eye was swollen. When I asked her where she got the injuries, she clammed up. She refused to tell me. But I wasn't an idiot. The villagers were still abusing her. Why did they even abuse a child?

Raven got out of the river, her dress soaking wet. She ran up next to me. Placing my hand on the ground, I cooled my palm for her to sit. She jumped onto my palm and pressed her body against my fingers. She was trying to warm her cold body.

"Raven, are you warm enough yet?" I asked as she hopped off my hand.

She shook her head, her hair dancing around her. I watched as she jumped back into the river. I sighed. Well she is a child. What else can she do except play?

A cry of pain distracted me from my thoughts. Turning towards Raven, I saw she had fallen in the river. The water around her turning red. Rushing over to her, I picked her up, cooling my body as to not burn her. On her left leg, there was a long jagged cut, running from the back of her thigh to the back of her calf.

When I tried to touch it, she hissed in pain. This girl really is strange. Normally with a cut this size and depth, a normal eight year old would be bawling her eyes out. But not Raven. All she was doing was biting her lip, trying to hide the pain she was feeling.

I wanted to help her but in my demon form, I couldn't. I looked at the cut only to see that it wasn't bleeding as much as before. That's good. It just needs to be wrapped. As I thought that, Raven ripped her dress and wrapped it around her leg. She was now naked in my hand. Does she not have any respect for herself? I guess she wasn't thought that since she is an orphan.

I set her down and moved away. Opening a crater, I slipped in. Craters have access to the demon realm. This particular crater I opened, was in my home. I transformed into my human form and went to the wardrobe and pulled out an oversized shirt. Throwing the shirt into the crater, I transformed back into my demon form before entering the crater.

Raven wasn't where I left her. She was back in the river. Sighing, I plucked her out of the water. She looked at me confused. I pointed to the shirt on the grass then at her naked body. Realization finally hit her. She put on the shirt, it's hem reaching her by her knees. Good. Now she is covered.

Looking at her leg, I noticed the blood that was seeping through had stopped. It clot already? With a cut that size it would have taken longer. Now I'm curious to see the cut. I reached forward to remove the make shift bandage when she ran away from me, laughing.

Sighing, I let her run. "Play all you want. Just don't get your clothes wet again."

"Okay Ami." She said giggling.

Ami? What the fuck kind of name is that for a demon? She knows my name is Amon. This child is unbelievable. I was about to tell her about the pet name, when she crawled over to me and laid down. Yawning, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

I stayed watch over her while she slept. Her hair was covering her face, so I used a claw to move it. Shifting into my human form, I laid next to her. Pulling her in my arms, I held her as she slept. I really shouldn't be this friendly with a human child. But I could tell she's different from the other humans.

It was sunset when I woke her up. Not wanting her to see my human form, I had changed back into my demon form before I woke her. She groaned as she opened her eyes. I tilted my head to the side as I focused on her eyes. Her left eye was glowing brilliant crimson. I've never seen that happen before. It never glowed. This little girl really is strange. I watched as she waved good bye and sprinted back to the village.

Why was she so eager to leave today? She hated the village. Oh. In a few days the villagers will be offering women up as sacrifice to me. Raven isn't allowed out the village during that time. She was severely beaten the last time she did. Or so she told me.

Opening a crater, I returned home. The demon realm of Raum was a place that never saw the sun. It wasn't the hell that humans tend to believe in. It was just a dark hell hole, that was shrouded in black clouds, blocking any light from entering. The only source of light here was the flames. The flames of Raum could melt the bones of a human in seconds.

The crater opened up in the castle's master chambers. Quickly adjusting my size, I shrank to my human form. Grabbing my robe, I put it on, just as my retainer, Marax, burst through the doors.

"Your majesty! You're back!" He said in that too happy voice of his. For a demon he was actually always happy. Did i forget to mention that I was the demon king?

"Stop stating the obvious." I said walking over to my office. It was adjoining my master chambers.

Marax followed me. He stood next to me waiting on an order from me. Right now I just wanted to be alone and relax. Couldn't he tell that?

"Marax. Go run me a bath please. And get some dinner for me." I told him, glancing up from the papers I was reading.

"Yes you're majesty." He bowed before rushing off to do what I asked.

I sighed and leaned back in the chair. Raven looked scared when she was waving goodbye. I didn't notice it before. Why? I never believed her when she told me the villagers abused her. I mean, why would I? There was no evidence of abuse on her, except that one time.

Marax returned telling me the bath was ready. I walked out the office and into the bath. The walls of the bathroom were made from black granite. To the corner of the bath was a white tub and a face sink next to it. A shelf with towels and other toiletries was next to the sink.

I got into the tub and relaxed. The hot water working the tension from my muscles. After the bath, I returned to my room. I had to prepare the kingdom for the sacrifices that will be coming in a few days.

Every year, when the villagers offered the girls to me, I didn't kill them. Yes I did take them from the sacrificial stone but I gave them a home in the kingdom with the demons. After a few weeks, I erased their memories of the demon realm and the village and returned them to the human world. I had to ensure the house they would be staying in had enough protection from the heat of the flames. These next few days are going to be tiresome. I'm actually looking forward to spending my time with Raven once this planning is over. Smiling at the thought, I focused my attention on the preparations.


Three days. That's how long it's been since I saw Raven. I had no idea where she was and I couldn't even go looking for her.

For the past three days, I had waited patiently by the river side from dawn to dusk. She never showed. I was actually worried about her. Tonight was the night of the sacrifice. After tonight I wouldn't be able to see her for a week. I wanted to spend some time with my annoying human child before then.

I was in my human form sitting on one of the tree branches that hung over the river. A scream in the air distracted me. Jumping down, I made my way to the sound. I saw five men gathered around the body of a child. One of the man raised a dagger and plunged it into the child's stomach over and over again. The final stab they left the dagger in.

That's just cruel. I may be a demon, but I never kill children. These villagers are inhumane. I turned and was about to walk away when I noticed the eyes of the child. Blue and red orbs stared into the darkness. Raven! They were hurting her!

Shifting into my demon form, I roared. The men gasped and ran screaming. The sacrifice happens at midnight. There wasn't much time left. But right now I needed to take care of Raven.

Transforming into my human body, I rushed over to her. The blood had pooled around her, dying the grass red. Raven just looked up at the sky, silent tears streamed down her face. Her tiny hands were around the dagger, trying to stop the overflowing blood.

"Raven." I whispered her name, kneeling next to her.

Her head slowly turned to look at me. Her eyes widen before she tried to get away. She cried out in pain as the movement stretched her injury, causing the dagger to sink deeper I to her stomach.

"Get away. Please." She begged. Her voice was soft and frail.

"Raven it's me. Amon."

She shook her head at my words. "No. Ami is a beast not a human."

She was shaking in fear. Her efforts to get away from me doubled. She's afraid of humans but not demons. I believe her now. The villagers really were abusing her. I will never doubt a word she say again. Ignoring her protest, I lifted her up and cradled her to my chest. Once she realized I wasn't hurting her, she relaxed in my arms. Her skin was deathly pale. Paler than usual.

"Raven. I am Ami." I hated myself for saying that name.

Her eyes stared at me. She raised her hand and touched my cheek. Her eyes widen as she stared at me.

"Ami....." She said before passing out.