Chapter 19

Raven's POV.

Time passed. I'm not sure how long. But it seemed like hours. Maybe it was actually minutes that just slowly ticked by. But I do know that the villagers slowly dispersed from around me as the time ticked by. Amon usually takes the sacrifices at midnight. Was he waiting for midnight to take me as well?

Staring up at the moon, I saw it was just shy of the tree tops. It's close to midnight. Maybe an hour or so away. The cold wind caressed my body, causing me to shiver. I would give anything to be sitting in front of my fire right now. Tonight was a little too cold. Colder than usual.

I haven't seen Leraje since I was chained here. He and the chief both left, leaving me to the lecherous stares of the male villagers. When all the villagers had left, the silence became deafening. None of the forest animals were heard. Even the wind seemed to stop suddenly. What's going on? This has never happened before.

Something dragging down my arm distracted me from my thoughts. Looking up, I saw that Helphas had returned. He had a dagger to my skin, tracing it down my arm from my wrist to my shoulder. What is he doing? I don't want him touching me. I tried pulling away but the chains held me in place. There was only so far I could escape from his touch. Which wasn't far at all.

The dagger had reached my throat by now. Helphas looked down at me. The look in his eyes terrified me. His glazed over eyes were filled with lust as they raked over my body. There was also a look behind them I couldn't quite decipher. With his free hand, he touched the smooth skin of my belly, moving his hands to caress my hips and waist. It was as though he was admiring the curves of my body.

"You would have made a fine trophy. If only you weren't so different from the other women." He said, his voice going lower than usual. "But I secretly liked that about you."

Trophy? What is he talking about? Like? I think I'm going to be sick again. He dropped the dagger only to roughly grab my hips in both of his hands, his nails digging into me. No. Please. Don't tell me he's going to..... Before I could finish my thoughts, something touched the opening between my legs. He's going to rape me!

"Is that the way you looked at my mother before you molested her dead body?" My mouth had a mind of its own. I don't even know why I said that, much less know it was true or not. But somehow I knew it was. It was like a hidden memory resurfacing.

My words caused him to freeze. "How do you know of that? No one is suppose to know!" He shouted, before slamming a fist to my mouth. The copper taste of blood filled my mouth. "But you can talk. I never knew you had a voice. But this makes it more fun. Which means I will enjoy hearing your screams."

I didn't make it easy for him. I did everything I could while restrained to ensure he never got to me there. My struggles only earned me punches and slaps about my face and body. Suddenly a painful tremor ran through my body. I froze with the pain, my body going numb. My only thoughts were 'thank goodness. Amon is here.'

Helphas took advantage of my immobility. His hands moved from my body and were fumbling with his clothes. Risking a glance down, I saw he had dropped his trousers and had climbed onto the sacrificial stone, settling between my legs. Positioning himself near my opening, he lifted my hips.

"AMON!" I screamed as loud as I could. The mark on my chest glowing a brilliant blue hue.

Just as he was about to enter me, a loud roar was heard from within the forest. Helphas froze. Loud pounding was heard from deep within the forest and it was getting closer to the village. Crimson red eyes peered through the fringe of the forest. Helphas scrambled off me, falling on the ground.

The red, scaled, clawed hand of Amon in his demon form reached through the trees, parting them. His hand breaking the chains and shackles from my limbs but he didn't grab me. Instead he moved towards Helphas. I turned my body, dragging it along the stone surface to see what Amon would do to Helphas. The man was still in the position he had fallen, which was on his rear, with his trousers tangled around his ankles. On seeing the approaching giant's hand, he started to drag himself away as fast as he could. But not fast enough.

Amon had grabbed Helphas with the tip of his sharp claw, the heat from his fingers searing the man. Helphas screamed.

"Please. I didn't touch her. I apologise. Please. Spare me." I've never seen him grovel and beg before. "We have been giving you all our young women for years. We are running out of women for the men. Please beast of the forest."

What was he even begging for? His life or the women? Helphas opened his mouth to beg again but Amon wasn't having that. Before the man could even think of his next words, Amon fisted his hand with Helphas between his fingers. I watched as blood and entrails leaked from the spaces between his massive fingers, dropping to the ground.

Turning back to the forest, I saw the crimson eyes of my demon glow brighter seconds before his entire body emerged from the forest. Oh dear Lords. Him being out of the forest can only mean one thing. He's going to destroy the village.

His footsteps shook the entire village, waking everyone who were asleep in their huts. Those who weren't, came running out to see what was the cause of the shakes only to stop short at the sight of the towering demon before them. Amon didn't hesitate. He marched onwards, his massive feet crushing the villagers and the huts. He roared. It was so loud that the village and surrounding forest shook. Bending slightly, Amon slammed his palm down on the chief's house, rattling the ground, cracking it with the impact. By the time he was finished, all that was left standing was my tiny hut among the rubble.

With everything over, Amon was back by the sacrificial stone, looking down at me. Black smoke started to escape from Amon's demon body. Within moments, he was human, making his way closer to me. Retrieving a blanket from thin air, he wrapped it around me, before picking me up.


"Don't little Raven. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner." His voice was soft as he buried his face in my hair.

Wanting to wrap my arms round him, I tried to free them from the confines of the blanket. Once free, I hugged him as tightly as I could. I never want to go through something like that again. And now thanks to Amon, I wouldn't have to. The village where I lived for eighteen years was now no more.

Unexpectedly, my body bent backwards, like it had a mind of its own. I felt like my blood was boiling and my skin was on fire. Opening my mouth to tell Amon, I released a blood curdling scream instead before passing out in his arms.