Chapter 22

Amon POV

I sat opposite the bed, just watching her. It's been three days since I bought Raven to Raum. Three days and no change. Whatever she was going through, she wouldn't let me touch her anymore. The first day she was unconscious, I was able to touch her and clean her as best as I could without violating her privacy. But after that, I couldn't get near her. The closest I got was by the edge of the bed. From the moment I reached out to touch her, a pulsating energy lashed out at me, putting up a shield like defense around her.

After it happened the first time I immediately spoke to Ronove of it. His reasoning was that her body was protecting itself from anyone who might want to take her power while she was in her weakened form. I won't deny I reacted badly when he told me that. I punch him. But it wasn't even his fault. I was just a little bit more that hurt that Raven would defend herself against me. But after I calmed down I understood why.