Piracy CEO

'Beep... Beep... Beep...'

'WARNING!!! Bounty has been submitted to capture Host! WARNING!!!'

'Calculating Risk... Possible Enemy... One Small Mercenary Group... Threat Level... Lethal'

'Calculating Survival Chance... Survival Chance 5%...'

The System rung in Ed's mind, pulling him out of his fake sleep, "Fuck, what is it now?" he grumbled as he read the log in the system screen.

"A mercenary group? Why would they hire a mercenary to capture me?" he wondered.

"Damn it, that two girls must be someone important, I need to return them!" Ed panicked.

Out of Ed's expectation, the System answered him.

'Answering to Host, Chance of survival from returning the Harem member to their home is 0%'

"Fuck! System, tell me, why would they kill me if I return the girl? Is there no law protecting human rights?" Ed asked the system in frustration.

'Answering to Host, Piracy is considered illegal in the Galactic Alliance, GA law order KOS (Kill On Sight) on any pirate and pirate vessel in human's territory'

Ed grimaced at his situation, He somehow got transmigrated into a pirate's body with a death penalty awaits.

"Is there any way I can survive this?" he asked as the only important thing was survival.

'Answering to Host, To survive as a pirate the only way is to get stronger... Beep... With an army of pirates the mercenaries will be reluctant to capture and kill Host' the robotic voice explained.

"How can I build an Army when I only have this passenger vessel?" he retorted at the system. Building an army was not a viable solution to his current predicament.

From the memories of the original body owner, a passenger vessel did not have any weapon system, their armor plating also too weak that any weapon system could punch through it with a direct hit, to make it worse, its propulsion system was not as good as a frigate

"Can't we just leave the star system? Running away is an option, right?" he asked the system.

'Answering to Host, Host current vessel doesn't have any FTL (Faster Than Light) engine, Escape is impossible... Beep,' The robotic voice answered.

Ed got annoyed by the system A.I. It kept saying the same thing over and over every time he asked anything.

"Answering this, Answering that, Just get right to the point!" he barked in anger, his professional leader vibe leaked out as years of leading a business company was not for nothing.

"For now, calculate a way to get out of this situation, I want a complete report within half an hour," he ordered the system as he would with his underling.

'Host doesn't have enough authority to use this command, please finish your mission to reach higher rank... Beep...' The system declined him.

"Fuck this stupid system! It clearly has a solution but it doesn't want to help!" he complained in his mind but he did not voice it out as he believed that he could still use the system to his advantage.

"If I don't remember it wrong, then systems is a term for almighty tools in novels or fiction would help their host to be the best in what they do," He remembered stories from novels he had read when he was younger.

He turned to the mission screen in front of him, "What kind of system requires people to woo a woman?" he retorted in dismay.

"Whatever, I will try to do the mission since there is nothing better to do anyway. But first I will need to change the autopilot direction before I meet with the so-called harem member," he decided.

According to Ed's memories, he was in the Bola system. The original body owner had set the vessel to go to the only other livable planet in the solar system.

They depart from Bola III when Ed's original body owner stole the ship with its two passengers. He had directly set the route of his vessel toward Bola IX.

"I can't believe such an idiot has the same face and name as mine, he doesn't even think people will wait for him at his destination to capture him," he did not know if he wanted to laugh or cry by his predecessor's stupidity.

He went toward the cockpit hurriedly to change his destination, but the cockpit door was locked with a DNA lock.

"Ugh... he did not even change the ship ownership," he wanted to pull out his hair from how incompetent his other self was.

"Aya! Dea! Open the door now!" he shouted inside the cockpit while knocking at its metal door.

A buzzing sound could be heard from the door as it opened to the side, as the girls had unwillingly opened the cockpit hatch because of his command.

He could see two girls who were barely wearing anything in there as Ed walked into the cockpit, they were wearing thin metal chokers around their neck; he recognized it as the obedience collar.

"Change our destination to the outer asteroid belt," He instructed Dea as she was the pilot of this vessel and the only one who could drive it.

"What? Why? We almost reached Bola IX as you wanted, it's only another twelve hours before we land," Dea panicked as Ed told her to change the route.

"Do it now!" he commanded, which Dea was unable to disobey.

She tried her best to resist, but the collar made her unable to do so. The original body owner forced both girls to wear them once he captured them with a surprise attack.

"You bastard! What do you want with us? We did as you tell us! Obedience collar you force us to wear makes us absolutely obedient to you. Why doubt us now?" Aya ranted furiously at him in frustration.

Seeing both girls' hatred toward him, Ed could not help but grimace, "Do you think, I am stupid? Once we land on Bola IX, there will be an ambush to save you and kill me, I bet you girls even sent a distress signal while I'm asleep," he castigated them.

Dea tried to calm her down but the younger girl's temperament could not be stopped, "That's right, you stupid criminal! Took you so long to realize that!" she angrily mocked him.

"For your information, I have asked help from my family, they sent a mercenary to save us and kill you. In a few days they would even send a reinforcement from home!" she tried to threaten him.

Dea could not help but facepalm herself in her friend's blunder, keeping such information was crucial for their survival. What if Ed got angry and decided to kill them?

"Tell me little girl, who are you? Why should I be afraid of your family." he tried to probe the girl as it was the right time to dig information when your enemy got emotional?

"I'm Aya Terror, the only daughter of house Terror," she said smugly, "Are you afraid now? You should be, but if you let us go now, I might be able to let you live," she tried to negotiate with him.

House Terror was a noble house that controlled a dozen star systems, including the Bola system.

If Ed was the original body owner, then he might have begged the girl to let him live out of fear of her family, but he was different. He knew that there is no way they would let them live.

"This is going nowhere, I should make the obedient first before continuing my interrogation," he thought.

If there was one important thing he learned from his experience as a CEO, it would be to show absolute confidence at all times.

"Don't try to lie to me, I have been leading people for almost half of my life and I know how this cruel world works, there is no forgiveness for those who make mistakes," he said with sharp eyes that both girls got taken aback.

"Is this the same person who kidnapped us? Wasn't he an idiot who could only think about girls and money?" both of them wondered.

"The ten thousand dollar question is whether I..." he paused as he tried to build momentum for his word.

"Whether I should forgive you for your mistakes?" he glared at them with a frosty expression which made both girls gulp in nervousness.

"What mistake are you talking about? All this time we did as you please? We have this collar on our neck, right?" Dea tried to plead for their innocence.

"Let us see... other than sending a distress signal out, talking back, and keeping the vessel's ownership, what else did you do," he counted as he walked around them in a circle.

"I seem to forget, maybe I'm getting old," He obviously was acting slow to pressure them which they know but could not help but fall for it.

Ed used his index finger to trace their shoulder line which made them jump from panic, both of them were scared as his heavy presence kept circling them.

They could feel sweat running down their back from nervousness, they wanted to fight back but the collars on their neck made them unable to hurt him directly.

"Oh God... when did this mad dog turn into a devil," They lamented in regret.

Ed did not wait for them to reply, as he knew they wouldn't. He suddenly stopped behind both of them, who stood beside each other.

"Oh, right!" he said loudly while clapping his hand. It was so sudden and loud that it startled both girls.

"Do you think all this time, I didn't know you purposely made me drunk each time I ordered you to serve me? You even stripped me and left some kiss marks to make me think that we actually did it," he said while putting his hand on both of their shoulders.

He said very close to both of their ears that the girls were frozen in fear, they could only look down trembling.

"Should I punish you for that?" he whispered.