
"It seems that I can no longer run from the truth," Ed thought.

"I really am transmigrated into a criminal body in the intergalactic era. Now, the Important question is what should I do?"

"Returning to my body doesn't seem to be possible, redeeming myself to be an upright galactic citizen also impossible." He couldn't help but sigh.

"I guess being a pirate is the only way, unless I become strong enough that the Galactic Alliance sees me with respect, there is no way they would pardon my crime."

"The System should be able to help me in this," he thought.

"Concurring a woman's heart might be new to me but it's not like I hate it, on the contrary, I actually like the challenge," he smiled as he remembered his session with Aya just a few minutes ago.

As people said, once you gaze to the abyss, the abyss gaze back at you, there is no turning back once you taste the sweet nectar they were offering.

"For now, going to the wreckage should be a great opportunity. From my memory, alien technology should be of great value, If I can get something then it will help in starting my own crew," he thought.

"Why are we going to the Alien wreckage? Isn't it better for us to hide from the mercenary?" Aya questioned Ed as he planned his next move.

He looked at the girl sitting beside him, "There is a lot of alien technology that humanity has not been able to replicate yet. If we could find anything useful, we could sell it for money," he explained.

She nodded in understanding. Money was important if they wanted a better ship or any other technology.

They would need a ship with FTL engines if they wanted to leave the Bola system, unless they wanted to spend a hundred years to get to the closest star system.

"Isn't that too risky?" Dea looked back from the piloting seat.

She was quite worried about the alien wreckage, the unknown always bringing fear to people, but in his eyes, Ed saw a big opportunity.

"There is no profit if we don't take any risk. You might think it's dangerous, but the risk is actually really small," he tried to convince her even though he didn't need to.

Dea was not convinced, but she kept her silence as she didn't think she could change his mind. She did not want to waste her energy on it.

She directed the spaceship toward the anomalies coordinate as he commanded; she didn't want him to use the collar to force her. The feeling of being forced to do something was not pleasant.

It took them quite a while to reach the wreck, they almost could not see it before they reached a five-kilometer distance from it.

If not for its energy signature then there would be no one that could spot its location, "Since it's still here, then it means no one ever found it before, most likely the energy signature just leaked after centuries of no maintenance," he analyzed

In space-faring, five-kilometer was so close that hardly any ship would get that close with each other unless they intended to make direct contact with the other ship.

"We are lucky that we could find this alien wreckage, we could possibly gain millions of space currency," he chatted with the girl.

Space currency is the most common currency in the galactic era, normal families could gain between a hundred to two hundred space currency in a year, people also have hard currency for daily usage but each planet or star system usually has its own hard currency.

They could feel the ship shook as it landed on the wreckage. The wreckage looked like a giant spaceship from up close.

Their small passenger ship was only a tenth of the wreckage size, it was as big as a light carrier-class spaceship.

"We are here," Dea announced.

"Good, I will be going into the wreckage, you girl wait here for me and don't do anything stupid," he told them, the later part was directed toward the black-haired girl as he believes Aya would not leave him.

Even though he doubted her, he didn't doubt the system; it said that Aya trusted him and if anything changed, then he would know about it.

"I want to go there as well," Aya volunteered to go with him.

"No Aya, why would you go with him to that dangerous place?!" Dea disagrees.

She pulled the girl close to her and whispered, "If he goes in there alone then we can just leave him, he has not turned your collar on, you can get rid of him!"

"I have told you that I believe in him and will stay with him, you just wait a bit and we will send you home when we can." She got her hand free from her friend and went after Ed, who went toward the ship's hatch.

They went toward a changing room, in which there were two space suits. It was different from the astronaut suit that Ed knew; the helm was smaller and fit the head more, while the bodysuit was less bulky and way more compact.

It was a low-cost spacesuit that was used for repairing a spaceship in case they need to repair external damage.

It had no weapon system nor heavy plating for combat as passenger ships were not designed for combat purposes.

In case of a pirate attack, passenger ships were usually accompanied by a frigate or destroyer class ship as their bodyguard.

For those passenger ships that have no guard, they would not go too far from a safe route that was guarded by the military.

Ed only needed to step on a platform and an automatic bot would help him wear the spacesuit.

"It would be better if I could wear a combat suit when going to the unknown, but we have no other suit for now," he thought.

Once he finished with his suit, he stepped down from the platform, allowing Aya to step on it to wear her own spacesuit.

The spacesuit adapted to her body size and contour. He could not believe how the same suit could look so different when being worn by different people.

He could see the suit hug her body, it accentuated her curvy body while protecting it at the same time. She looked beautiful.

"Are you ready?" he asked, but she didn't reply. Their helmet was airtight so they could not hear each other.

He pressed some buttons on the suit's panel around his hand. He activated his communication system and connected their communication channel together.

He signed her to do the same with his hand, but she didn't understand what he wanted from her. She tilted her head.

Exasperated, he got to her side and took her arm in his before activating her communication channel.

"Are you ready?" he asked once more.

"Ah? Huh? Yeah!" She was stunned when he took her hand and her cheek was red that she stuttered in her reply.

They went toward the airlock before closing the hatch behind them. It took a few minutes for the ship to drain the air in the airlock.

Once the system signaled that the pressure outside and inside the airlock was the same, he pressed a button on his panel to unlock the outside door.

They activated a pseudo-magnet on their boots so they wouldn't be thrown into space once they walked out of the ship.

Pseudo-magnet works with any time of material, they got developed so people can walk normally in any terrain without gravity.

Once they got out, they saw a spaceship made of black metal. Even without touching them directly they could feel how solid it was.

They could only see smooth metal, no glasses window, no door opening, only black metal.

"How should we get in?" Aya asked him.

"Hmm, let me think a bit," He replied before he turned to the almighty system.

"System, is there any opening or any way we could get into the spaceship?" he asked in a whisper.

'Host doesn't have enough permission to use this feature, access denied... Beep' the robotic voice replied.

He wanted to curse at the useless system, but he controlled himself. He turned back to Aya and said, "We can search for any clue, there might be some opening."

She nodded, and they started to look for any way to get into the ship. Their first destination was the source of the energy leak their ship sensor caught.

"Let's check the energy leak, there might be a hole there for us to get in from," she suggested.

It was at the backside of the spaceship, near the ship's engine. Once they got here, they found a hole; it seems to be blasted from the inside.

"There is an opening!" he pointed out as he pointed his scanner inside to check if it safe for them to get in.

"Let's see what we got here," he mumbled.