Lap cultivation

"Are you ready?" Running her fingers through Layn's black hair, Irea whispered softly.

"Is there any reason to be in a hurry?" Keeping his eyes shut, Layn answered while moving his head around a bit. Even though it was resting on the divine pillow of Irea's lap, her perfectly athletic body also meant that what was supposed to be the greatest cushion humanity was riddled with the hardness of her bones.

"Well, we are kinda at silent war with the entire upper echelon of the academy, aren't we?" Moving her hands away from Layn's head, Irea moved them to the back in order to support herself when her torso also angled towards the ground a bit. "While I know that you don't really need to get any stronger at this point, I still believe it wouldn't hurt to obtain even more power before the push will come to shove."