Time to get the core

"… progresses swiftly. We should be able to finish the main hall within the next three days." Irea reported, momentarily stopping her hand. Yet, as soon as her lips stopped moving, she stuffed her mouth full of the simple, unsavory gruel that made up most of their current rations.

"That means, we are finally able to go explore," Layn smiled. As much as he wanted to make use of the insane treasure just beside his new camp, securing the camp itself came with the priority.

"Are you really going to just leave us all and go out on your own?" Irea asked after taking her time to chew on the grubby gruel.

"The source of the local monsters is in that ancient facility," Layn answered, shaking his shoulders. "That's why I'm pressing everyone to build a refugee with those bricks," Layn added only to grab the nearby mug and wet his throat with the water. After so many days in the desert, only a single barrel of beer remained.