Alarm in the structure

In the end, Layn went with what appeared to be the easiest route. Rather than somehow creating a complicated tool that could soften up the impact of the immense magic that radiated from the crystal… The archmage just used a really long stick.

Once he managed to scoop the stone from underneath the machinery, half of the part of the stick her organized, the same part that had to touch the stone in order to bring it closer, was already halfway eradicated.

It didn't melt. It didn't crush away or chip away. Under the immense force steeming from this stone, the very particles that made up the materials that the stick was made from were dissolved into a puddle of magic-enriched nothingness.

"Dang," Layn said silently to himself, dropping his previous idea. From how quickly this crystal managed to completely decompose the matter that this stick consisted of, no matter how hard he would try, Layn wouldn't be able to move it around.