
"Just where the hell does he hide?" Markus muttered his question while busy setting up his tent. "No matter how far we chase after that bastard, he is always one step ahead!" the man complained, slamming the stretching nail into the sands of the desert. 

"We chased him all the way here. He couldn't traverse all that deep into the desert," Al spoke up, already done with his tent. 

As pressed for the time as they were, traveling through the foreign desert at night wasn't a good idea. No matter how strong the three of them were, the monsters roaming those grounds would still give them a run for their money. 

"Don't underestimate him," Yelna spoke up, not bothered with the work around their camp at all. Given her marriage to Markus, she just happily assumed that the duty of setting the tent up would fall on his shoulders.