On a stretcher

'Ah...' Layn moaned in his mind as soon as his consciousness started to return. Even though the state of his body could be summed up with a word - pain - he didn't dare to voice this problem out. 

It was one of the things he learned during his early days of adventuring, something that allowed him to escape from captivity more times than he could count. 

'I'm being carried?' he asked in his thoughts, trying to figure out his situation without announcing to whoever was carrying him that he was awake. 

The rocky ride that someone was giving to him made it easy to figure out what was happening. 'I'm not bound. I'm lying flat on some kind of... cloth?' Layn continued to assess his situation.

"**** **, * **** *** *** *****," a female voice said, although Layn was unable to understand a single word.