What if he returns?

"He wanted to create an academy under his own name," Markus muttered. Even hours after learning this fact, he still couldn't get over the meaning behind it. 

"He doesn't intend to go back," Yelna added a few words from herself, joining the choir of the defeated. There was no sign of her usual muteness. 

"You guys can stop now," Irea said, cutting their moans. "I heard those few sentences thousands of times already. Act like the adults you are and get over it," she scolded the trio, not paying any mind to how potentially dangerous they could be. 

'I wonder what's making her think that she can act like that,' Markus thought while raising his eyes at the girl's face. 'Is it her arrogant belief that we won't touch Layn's woman? Or is it..."

Markus didn't finish his line of thought. The sound of the doors opening stopped his mind in its tracks.