Slavian Problem

"Okay, the night is coming. Let's set a camp here," Layn announced when the sun neared the line of the horizon. 

Time was the only factor for setting up camp on the insanely vast steppe, given how the landscape was exactly the same for miles in every direction. 

"Sure," Sitra nodded her head before sending a look to the two other men she decided to bring along. "What are you doing? Chop, chop, it's not a fucking holiday for you two!" she screamed at her subordinates while jumping off the horse herself. 

"There is no need to be so strict with them," Layn sighed, both annoyed and amused by the strict behavior of the girl. Even though he never directly belonged to the military, he had his own fair share of time spent in the military camps. As such, it wasn't the first nor the second time for him to encounter this kind of attitude.