Fulfillment (affirmation, smut, +18)

"I'm sorry, burdening you with my past like that," Layn said in a grim voice, torn between self-inflicted guilt and depression that those memories brought to him. 

"It's okay," Irea mumbled silently, once again pushed Layn's face into her bosom. Even though it was only a passing thought for her, it appeared that this position somehow had a calming effect on the archmage. "It's all in the past. You don't need to let it bother you anymore," she continued her sweet whispers while caressing Layn's head with her hands. 

For the next few moments, the two of them simply cuddled in their primitive bed. Just the warmth of their bodies was enough to bring satisfaction for them. 

"Thank you," Layn muttered after a moment before showering Irea's breasts with kisses. The taste of her skin was just too great for him to hold back.