Pushing for the negotiations

"The boys are not happy," Irea muttered silently, even going as far as to lower her head to stop others from noticing this small remark. 

"I know," Layn nodded his head as he replied with a whisper. "It would be strange if they weren't worried," he added with a small smile. 

Right now, every last person in the camp venturer for the lands of the neighboring Overlord of Origin yet again. But this time, there were no archers from the far north that could help them out. 

And little to say, even if their belongings were quite limited, not to say worthless, the thought of leaving them all to fate didn't sit well with most of the mercenaries. 

"Sir! What if someone comes and wreaks havoc in the factory?!" One of the mercenaries protested strongly. According to the rumors Layn heard at that time, the man was even willing to strap himself to the brick-producing plant in an attempt to stay back and protect it from harm.