
Layn continued to watch over the girl for over an hour. At this time, he didn't care even the slightest bit about anything that was happening around him. His focus was fully and solely dedicated to supporting Irea's effort at recovery. 

But that didn't mean the time itself had stopped. 

"Keep running, fool!" Antion shouted, calmly jogging after the escaping traitor. There wasn't a single bead of sweat on his forehead or expression of anxiety nor tiredness in his eyes. From his disposition alone, it was clear that he considered his current hike as nothing more than that. 

The same couldn't be said about Befrel. Roughly a hundred steps ahead of Al, he was using every last bit of his energy, magic, and cultivation to keep his legs moving. Yet, despite pushing himself to his limits, he just couldn't shake that annoying pest off his back.