How to fight this battle

Layn rushed forward. He knew that if he stalled even for a moment, Irea would use her cuteness and charm to stop him from going. 

But in the current situation, there was no way for Layn to hold back on fighting. 

'They are bleeding for me,' he thought, squeezing between the mercenaries and Markus' sourced people alike. Even those that knew who he was were too busy fighting for their dear life to even notice the small disturbance, even less the Archmage himself. 

'How do I deal with all those monsters in a quick fashion?' Layn asked himself, analyzing his options as he moved forward. 

The magic from the artifacts he had on himself wasn't anywhere near sufficient for him to fight with the classical magic he was best versed with. 

While it was only a rough estimate, for every spell Layn would cast in this fight, there would be one more person dying while the Archmage could do nothing but wait for his mana to regenerate.