Fake inteligence

"HOW COULD YOU..." Ation shouted as he jumped out of his seat, slamming his hands on the table. 

'If this continues, this poor table will turn into scrap wood,' Layn thought, realizing just how much beating this simple piece of furniture went through. 

"I have some clues," Layn picked up where he left, sending Ation a deadly cold stare. "But I will need to research them further to figure out the truth," Layn said before standing up as well. 

"But there is one thing I need to say right now," the archmage announced, before suddenly bending in half, with his lowered head directed at where Al and Ation sat. "For the trouble, I caused you by misusing my power and knowledge, I deeply apologize," he said, not hesitating or stumbling even for a second. 

'Give credit where the credit is due,' Layn thought, wishing to abide by this rule both when he could get praised but also when he had to be punished.