A fruitful stroll

'The weather is surprisingly nice,' Layn thought as he moved out of his shed. With all the wooden forms now filled with the mana-producing material, all he had to do was wait for them to cool down before cutting the rollers into proper coins. 

Using the free time that he now had, the archmage decided to go for a stroll to see how others were doing. 

"Stretch the markers further!" Yelna shouted in the distance. Despite not being a talkative person, she was more than capable of overseeing the workers in almost any field of work. On its own, it was a great testimony to what she had to go through in her life to gain an understanding of so many varying jobs. 

But whatever that was in her past that made her so competent was now paying off. "The canal can reach several lanes further, so don't be too shy when marking out the further fields!" Yelna continued to shout her orders before she finally noticed the strolling mage.