Emperor's mercenaries

"Hurry it up, you maggots!" An officer stood on an elaborate platform, overseeing the movement of the troops. The golden standard at the very front of the massive unit announced its name and number. "We don't have a whole day just for you to form up!" The officer shook his hands in a desperate attempt at hastening the entire process. 

'We can't be late, we can't be late, we can't be late,' he continued to repeat the same phrase as if it was some kind of mantra. At the same time, the officer tightened his fingers around the handle of a saber that hung by his belt. 'Just why did I agree to take on this job,' he whined in his mind, watching how his friends and colleagues struggled to follow the strict regime imposed on their unit. 

"Two minutes!" A distant shout reached the officer's ears just as the rest of his people were about to finish forming up. 

"It will be done," the man replied to no one, allowing his voice to freely float in the air.