Bad news for the temporary matriarchate

"My Lady, I'm worried that even you..." The messenger bit his lips before finishing his words. Whether he was scared to potentially infringe on Irea's pride or just couldn't be bothered to explain the matter didn't matter. "I will do it right away," he said instead, backing out of the building. 

"I wonder what happened for someone to come out of the schedule," Irea muttered to herself, wiping clean the same part of the cooking desk's surface for the nth time. At this point, there wasn't even a  single speck of dust or fat left on it. Yet, as her attention was already on a different plane, Irea was simply unable to notice that fact. 

"I told you! I will only report the news to Al or Ation themselves!" the man shouted from behind the doors of the kitchen. 

"Just get inside," the voice of the messenger from before sounded right before the entrance of the building slammed open.