The truth about the world's succession

"What did you just say?!" Jeah shot up from his chair. His reaction was only second to Consal, although obviously for different reasons. "You can lower the barrier?!" he shouted, proving which part of Mukken's announcement appeared to be more important to him.

"Your successor?" Consal asked, ignoring Jeah's outburst. "Wait, could it be that you are..." he didn't finish his words, silenced by a Tytus' sudden gaze. 

"How about you stop butting in when I'm talking?" Jeah said angrily. "Or could it be that you no longer care about your reward?!" he shouted, unable to hold back his excitement and anger born out of it. 

"To be fair," Consal said, squinting his eyes, "right now, I do not. And I'm more than happy to kill you just to make you shut your crap!" he replied, throwing the youngest Overlord of the group a deadly stare.