Pierce through

The battle came to a momentary standstill. When Layn and his friends descended from the ridge towards the three powerhouses of the Celestials, every living soul froze in place. 

For a single moment, no one cared about the fight, about the battle, about their own survival. Their deepest instincts alerted them about what was about to happen. 

And then the two groups clashed. 

The fight started at the same time in three different places. 

To the right, Al and Irea engaged with a man who covered himself with fire. Judging from the look of elation on his face, he didn't care about the battle itself, too focused on the fight that had just started.

To the left, Markus and Yelna engaged with the youngest of the trio. While Markus showered him with powerful slashes of his ax, Yelna roamed around the place, looking for the opening to use her hunter abilities. 

And in the middle, Layn clashed with the oldest of the three cultivators powerhouses.