Nuclear mana

"Teacher, why won't you step in?!" Tytus asked, noticing how a massive amount of energy suddenly appeared right where one of his friends stood.

"Intervene or not to intervene," Bart smiled. "That's a deep question," he added, rubbing his chin. 

"Isn't this man a potential wrench to the plan of this world?!" Tytus protested. "If he unleashes this magic, everything that was supposed to happen in this world..."

"Son, there is nothing like a one, correct path for the world to take," Bart shook Mukken's head. "We watched over countless worlds following the plan, we watched over countless worlds developing as they wanted without any intervention... But the result was all the same," Bart said, turning his head towards his student. 

For the first time in their long relationship, Tytus saw a sad expression on his master's face.