A Secret!

"Why?" Lia still couldn't understand what this guy was doing. So she continued to stare at his face, wanting to see what this guy was going to say.

Zion didn't answer her and continued to look at her with his cold eyes as if trying to convey a silent message. He knew that if he were to stay here any longer, the black-cloaked man would identify him through his system's presence within a few seconds. So he wanted to escape after finishing his work as soon as possible. Still, he also knew that leaving Lia would also be a bit difficult since, technically, his identity in this world was that of Lia's servant. If he were to go out alone, the problems he faced would increase tremendously.

He just wanted to avoid the issues that could hamper his progress.

But seeing that the princess was also silently watching him with a frown on her forehead, Zion sighed and said, "I'm leaving then."