The Spiritual Attack!

No one saw the black-cloaked man moving his lips, and as soon as he was done, the sword in his hand was engulfed in white light as if the weapon was empowered with energy. But it happened so fast that the king only had to blink before he saw the man coming in front of him while aiming the magically charged weapon at his neck.

Rhesus wasn't surprised after seeing his opponent using spiritual energy to energize the weapon. It was a norm for some races born with spiritual power running through their veins to use their Qi to energize their weapons. It was just that this was the only thing they could do while Dhampir royals were almost well versed with how to regulate the Qi within their vines and use several hand signs to create various attacks depending on their spiritual roots. Since his spiritual root was electricity, he could use it in the form of attacks.