Learning How To Fight!

That day, the system had finished his duties and wrote a 3000-word long report diligently before sending it back to his master in the heavens.

Methuselah, whose name was so complicated that even in the heavens, people would call him Methu, sat in front of the screen while playing with the coin in his hand. It was made out of gold as an ancient God was carved on the surface. Methuselah's attire today was different.

He was finally wearing something presentable. His body was covered with a white-colored shirt, a belt around his waist, and breeches. He almost seemed like a pirate, and the only thing missing was a strange hat.

But he wasn't focused on his attire at this moment. His eyes squinted after reading the entire report before he leaned back on his seat. At this time, he was sitting inside a well-furnished room where several people sat in front of transparent screens while typing diligently on the keyboards made out of holograms.