The Village Chief

Zion had thought that she would lash out at him for saying such provocative words, but she only stood there with her expressions fiercer than ever. Her cold eyes stared down at him unblinkingly as if telling him that if she weren't considering him as a useful person, he would have died many times already. He pursed his lips and opened his mouth to say something. Just then, Lia raised her hands and said, "Not a word. You're going to be silent. If you open your damned mouth again, I'll make sure to chop off your tongue and grind it!"

He imagined that kind of scene and shut his mouth. His tongue was essential to him, so he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

By the looks of it, Lia seemed to be holding herself back as she turned around and picked up the wooden sword, and said in a harsh voice, "Let's go. We're having a meeting with the village chief."