Capture Them!

Lia frowned when she saw her servant pausing for a long time. She had realized his mind worked faster than anyone else, but why was he taking so much time now? She had asked him for a way out only because she didn't know what to do, and she felt utterly helpless, but she had faith in this servant of hers. She knew he could find something that could save them both. "Oi servant, what're you thinking about? I'm asking you something!"

Zion snapped back to reality and glanced at her. Now that he thought about it, this girl had been acting suspiciously since the start. Why did she have unprecedented faith in him? A frown crossed his forehead, and he couldn't help but ask, "Why are you doing this? Just go and do your thing while you can still escape. I'm not being heroic here but presenting a rather important issue. Why do you have to be so stubborn enough to save me, a human? Have you gone crazy or what?"