Someone's Injured!

At this time, when Lia's weapon vanished in thin air because of the elf guard, Zion made one strike at the wall with the pipe in his hand and ran out of breath. He had been hitting the wall for quite a while, but it refused to budge. He gritted his teeth and swung the pipe again as it collided with the wall and made a sound.

After trying it, again and again, multiple times, Zion finally couldn't take it anymore. This human body of his was useless with zero energy. Even a small amount of work would make his lungs empty and force him to stop and take deep breaths. Beads of sweat covered his forehead as he panted profusely.

How would he make a hole in the wall that refused to break? He glared at the wall and took a deep breath to calm himself. Just then, the sound of fighting stopped all of a sudden. Zion's hands paused as he started acting again. His hands hit the wall vigorously and more forcefully than before.

His heartbeat sped up.