The Fight Started!

Zion watched as one of the soldiers reluctantly handed over his sword to the dhampir princess, who didn't even glance at him. Her eyes filled with anger only stuck at the queen's face the entire time as if she were going to kill that girl with her mere glance.

At the same time, Zion heard a few soldiers gossiping in a low voice. Since he was hiding near the alley entrance, he could hear the conservation clearly and got a gist of what was happening right now.

"Why did Queen Odina trouble herself like this?" The soldier was feeling aggrieved and sighed. "She should have stayed in the palace! Why did she have to leave that place, especially the ancient tree? Didn't she know her powers would start decreasing with the distance between herself and the ancient tree? She's the queen who has connected her soul with the tree! Other than herself, no one can channel the spiritual power to others!"