7 Misty Forest

Urie examined the jacket he got from the quest.

[Cool Red Jacket, Torso Equipment]

[Description: Woven using thermal adjusting threads that emit the opposite temperature that permeates the surroundings.

Cool but Hot at the same time!


(Passive) Not too Hot, Not too Cold: The jacket will give a [Cool] effect to the wearer when the surrounding is hot and will give a [Warm] effect when the surrounding is cold. It will give a [Breezy] effect when the temperature is balanced.]

"Oh! Nice! What could this Breezy effect do?" Urie exclaimed and asked.

When Urie read this, he tapped the Breezy effect to see its description.

[Breezy, status effect]

[Gives a calming effect that can increase the wearer's mental state by 10%]

After reading, he nodded as he immediately equipped the jacket.

Since the meadows have a balanced temperature, Urie gained the [Breezy] as his mind functioned like he can even see every movement the grass made.

"Awesome!" Urie exclaimed as he looked at Arie.

"Now you noticed me! I've been asking you for a while! Where are we off to next?" Arie annoyingly said.

"To the next town, of course!" Urie sarcastically replied.

Arie facepalmed as he looked at his older brother with scorn.

"I don't like that look of yours!" Urie squinted his eyes, knowing that he was being scorned by his little brother.

Arie sighed as he shook his head.

"What I mean to say is, how do we get there? Do you have any idea or route to follow?" Arie surrendered and asked.

"We'll follow that road! Duh?" Urie sarcastically pointed at the open road towards a forest at the distance.

The forest is bigger than where they caught the Slime King and the other beasts.

"Fine! You win! Let's go now! I want to get my next beast and fight!" Arie surrendered as he dejectedly pulled his big brother towards the road.

"Wait!" Urie exclaimed as he stopped his brother from pulling him.

"Now what?" Arie asked.

"You forgot the one thing that we need to do before going on an adventure!" Urie reminded his little brother.

"And that is?" Arie asked.

Urie raised his hand and pointed towards the place where the Town of Beginnings was.

"Resupply!" Urie exclaimed as he pulled his little brother back to the town.

They bought a lot of potions and debuff alleviating medicines.

"We need to stock some medicines that can cancel debuff status because we can't turn them back to their card form when they have a status," Urie informed his little brother.

"Why? Why do we have to alleviate their status first to turn them back when we can capture them while they have a status?" Arie asked.

"First, they are wild beasts. Wild beasts don't have owners so they are liable for themselves, if they have status, that means that's their responsibility so the mechanics will allow it, however, if you already own the beast, it means that they are your liability, thus you need to alleviate their status first before you can keep them safe!" Urie replied while packing the things he bought.

"How did you know that? Did you read the complete guide book?" Arie asked.

Urie shook his head and looked at him with a smile.

"This is not in the guidebook, but my observation from what happened earlier when I can't turn Hanin and Hagin back to their card form. It's purely my hypothesis, a random guess!" Urie replied to his brother's question.

"Anyway, are you done? If so, let's go!" Urie exclaimed as he gestured towards Arie that it's time to leave.

They walked out of the town, following the empty road towards the forest at the distance.

Moss Cows can be seen grazing through the meadows while the grass occasionally rustles as Blitzeafs run around finding food for itself.

They walked for minutes and kept on looking towards the forest but they only saw the forest as it was before, as if they are not moving at all when, in fact, they are already halfway there.

It was the trickery to their sight that gives them the illusion that they are not approaching it.

An hour passed when they reached the entrance towards the dark misty forest when a ring echoed through Urie's head.

[Clan Quest Incoming!]

[Field Research

A specialist should know everything about their focus. A Beast Connoisseur should know every habit and needs that the focus of their specialty has. One of them is studying the habitat of their specialty.

Gather clues and information about the forest. 0/5

Find a Guellin. 0/1

Rewards: Beastmaster Skill Book, 5 silvers, 200 exp

Shareable, can be played with another master!]

Urie read the description of the quest and when he saw the last statement, he immediately shared the information to Arie.

"What do you think? Do you like to accept the quest with me?" Urie asked.

"What do you think will be my answer?" Arie looked at him and asked back.

"Obviously, yes!" Urie cheered as he answered Arie's question.

"Then no," Arie frowned as he turned around.

Urie was left dumbfounded with his mouth wide open.

Arie turned around and smiled towards his brother.

"Just kidding! You look stupid there, brother!" Arie laughed as he accepted the quest, but another interface popped up.

[Are you sure? If you accept this quest, you will gain the [Specialist's Companion] buff. If the quest failed, you will gain the [Incompetent] status.]

When Arie saw this, he opened the [Specialist's Companion] and [Incompetent] to see their informations.

[Specialist's Companion, Shared Buff]

[Description: A buff gained when another player accepted a shareable quest from a specialist.

Gains 10% increase in all senses and one skill that the specialist possessed. (Not limited to [Active] skills)

(Equipment skills cannot be shared)]

When Arie read this, he excitedly looked at Urie and approached him.

"Brother! Let me see your skills except for the equipment ones!" Arie excitedly asked while hopping in place.

"Why? Why do you want to see them?" Urie confusedly asked.

"Do you want me to accept this quest or not?" Arie insistingly asked.

"Of course I do!" Urie immediately replied.

"Then show me!" Arie urged.

"Fine, fine! Geez!" Urie surrendered as he opened his interface and shared the skills he had.

"Ooh! This is all good! I can't choose!" Arie looked as he thought on which of the skills he wanted.

Arie accepted the quest, then an interface appeared in front of Urie.

[Which skill do you want to share with Arie Jin? Choose:

Eyes of a Specialist

Tamer's Charm

Tame All You Want]

"The most useful skill for this quest is the Eyes of a Specialist skill. Share that to me!" Arie suggested with brilliant eyes.

"Then I'll give you Tamer's Charm!" Urie teased but pressed the Eyes of a Specialist button.

"No! You dummy!" Arie cursed when a ring echoed through his head and an interface appeared in front of him.

[Urie Jin has shared with you [The [Eyes of a Specialist] skill.]

A loud laughter rang around them while Urie was holding on to his stomach, aching from too much laughter.

"You, jerk!" Arie smacked his big brother's head, which made the latter stop laughing.

"That hurts!" Urie pouted while scratching the area he was smacked.

They entered the misty forest together when an interface appeared in front of them.

[You have entered an unknown territory.]

Then another interface appeared in front of them.

[Area Quest Incoming!]

[Find out what this place was within 6 hours.

Failing to do so, will bring an unimagined consequence!

Rewards: ???

Penalty: ???]

"What? Why is there a penalty?" Arie exclaimed when he saw the prompt.

"So we're handling 2 quests at one time, eh? This is exciting!" Urie exclaimed with an elated smile on his face.

The two walked deeper inside the forest when something hopped above them, jumping from one tree to another, but they can't see anything.

"It's too fast and I can't see it!" Arie exclaimed as he vigilantly looked around to see if the beast was still moving.

"Then let's try how fast Blitzeaf is!" Urie suggested as he took out the Blitzeaf card and summoned the green ant.

The green ant lifted its foot and slowly placed it down. It kept on doing that until it successfully moved 3 inches.

"Why is it so slow? Isn't it so fast when we caught it earlier?" Arie asked.

Urie examined the information about Blitzeaf.

"That's why!" Urie exclaimed as he looked back to the ant.

"What? What did you find?" Arie asked.

He replied him with an index finger pointed towards the ant, gesturing for him to look at it himself.

"Oh yeah! The Eyes of a Specialist skill!" Arie exclaimed and saw the description of the Blitzeaf.

Urie took the Blitzeaf and faced it towards him.

"Can you hop through those?" Urie asked as he pointed up towards the crowns of the trees.

The Blitzeaf moved its antennae, gesturing that it can.

Urie placed Blitzeaf on a leaf and in an instant, it disappeared from their sight as leaves rustled whenever the ant hops on them.