10 Town of Water and Ice

[Field Research 2/2]


[Help Guellin solve the mystery shrouding the Misty Forest. As a Beast Connoisseur, one must not ignore a beast in distress!

Clues found about the mystery: 3/3

Rewards: Beastmaster Skill Book, 5 silvers, 200 exp

Shareable, can be played with another master!]

When they looked at the quest completed, the two immediately checked the things that they got from the quest.

Urie first looked at the Epic Winged Boots of Lucius and looked at its stats.

[Winged Boots of Lucius, Epic]


[Description: Although it has wings, it can't fly, but the wearer's movement speed will increase drastically because of the wind circulations that the wing can do.

Additional 20% Movement Speed

Additional 15% Evasion

Additional Skill:

Winged Maneuver — Gives the wearer an ability to move as fast as the speed of light in a small duration. (Good for emergency escapes!)

Duration: 2 seconds

Cooldown: 1 hour. ]

However, the boots gave him an emergency escape skill. The skill book, on the other hand, gave him the biggest ability that he can use in the time of great despair.

[Teleportation, Active]

[Description: Gives the user an ability to quickly teleport to the place they previously went.

(Limited to Town Spawns and Area Spawns)

Cooldown: 5 hours]

Although the 5 hours cooldown is too long, the skill itself is a great benefit to him when he wants to quickly return from one place to another, especially if he must need to go back to the Town of Beginnings and any other areas near it.

Arie took out the thing he got from the quest as he wore it with elation on his eyes. He also took out the skill book as he immediately read the contents of it and a green light covered him, signifying that the skill integration was a success.

Urie did the same as a colorful light covered him indicating his affinity with every class being a Beast Connoisseur.

"What skill did you get from the book, brother?" Arie asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"Yours first, what did you get?" Urie returned the question.

"Quite unfair! But, alright! I got the Hymn of the Forest! I can have connection with a beast that has a Grass Type! How about yours?" Arie responded and asked again.

"I have Teleportation!" Urie simply answered with a shrug.

"Teleportation? Are you serious? That's some crazy ass skill you got!" Arie was surprised and exclaimed as he kept on urging his brother to show him the skills he got.

The young man was excited to see the skill and kept uttering words describing how much he was eager to try the skill.

"We need to get to the next town! There might be some people who have already reached it!" Urie instructed as they found their way out of the forest.

They walked for a few minutes and reached the part of the forest which has the hue of white and a freezing cold atmosphere.

"Is the next town a tundra? It's too cold here! Brr!" Arie complained as he kept on blowing on his palms and rubbed his shoulders and body to partially increase the heat.

"Eop! Keep your flames down and help my brother to be warmed up!" Urie instructed as the small wolf kept its flames but emitted a comforting warmth.

"Thanks Eop!" Arie stopped shivering the moment that he cuddled the small wolf.

They kept on walking for a few hours when they reached the town made up of Ice, but there's still a river flowing in the middle of it.

As soon as the two entered the town, a kid handed them a set of warm clothes, Arie accepted it and Urie only thanked the kid because his Cool Red Jacket's effect was more than enough for him.

"Hi! Welcome to Aqfrost Town, also known as the Town of Water and Ice! We have an abundant variety of Water and Ice class beast here! We also make Cold Resistance and Wet Resistance items that can help protect your beasts from the harsh environment!" the boy introduced the moment that he finished handing over the clothes.

"The town where I can get more beasts? Why is the quest for collection aren't showing up yet?" Urie asked himself until the familiar ring of the notification rang.

He read the details of the quest as he looked at the town.

[Clan Quest Incoming]

[Mystery of the Aqfrost Town]

[Description: The town's river never gets frozen, rumors are saying that it was cursed, beasts always stay away from it no matter what the reason is! Find the reason for the strange phenomenon.

Reward: ???]

The quest details are too short and too vague, he doesn't even have any leads except for the river.

"Maybe, I should put aside this quest first, let's see what we can do in this town for now," the young man suggested as they roamed around the town looking for the shops to refill their stocks of potions and Environment Adapting equipment.

Environment Adaptations are the things that are a necessity for every beastmaster around. It is either a potion or a piece of beast equipment. There are some circumstances about some beast having a weak affinity against some certain environment.

For example: A beast having an Ice Class traversing through a desert or a volcanic region. Their abilities will be reduced from half or lower depending on how harsh the environment is and if their classes are straightforward opposite against each other, the effect will be greater.

The beast will experience a [Weak] effect making their abilities plummet down making it hard for those creatures to even fend for themselves.

"Where should we go next, brother?" Arie asked but something happened.

Urie was nowhere to be seen.

He suddenly disappeared like a bubble popped out of nowhere.

"Brother! Where are you!" Arie called out, but he didn't receive any response.

"Look! A poor little boy is calling out for his brother! What a wimp!" a voice mocked out of nowhere.