27 Argument

"What did I do wrong?" Arie angrily retorted as Phansy shot another burst of water towards the burning beast.

"Stop shooting waters! The steam is pushing the Paralytic Dust away!"

"Then do something about it! Stop blaming me!" Arie angrily retorted as he kept ordering Phansy to keep on shooting water at the enormous beast.

"Fine! Then try to defeat that thing if you can!" Urie frowned as he landed at the top of the crater and retrieved Angin after changing it back to its card form.

He sat at the corner of the crater as he watched his brother fight with the mutated Centicoal.

"What are you doing? Why are you just sitting there? Help me!" Arie angrily shouted as he kept on dodging the attacks of the enormous beast.

"I thought you had plans to defeat that thing? Then proceed with your plans! I don't want to argue over an inconsiderable matter!" Urie scoffed as he cuddled Eop in his chest while watching his brother fight.

Arie ran downwards as he summoned Hanin and ordered Phansy to ride it.

Hanin flew around the Centicoal as Phansy shot water balls one after another, keeping the beast's attention away from Arie.

As the balls kept on hitting the beast, steam kept on accumulating, making a dense fog inside the crater that made Arie struggle to see where the Centicoal and his beasts were.

A powerful gust of wind blew from above as a large green bird was flying above it, carrying a man at its back.

"Angin, use Paralytic Dust and blow it towards the Centicoal!" Urie ordered.

Yellow dust kept on falling from the enormous bird's wings as it flapped its enormous wings, making a powerful gust that pushed the dust towards the centipede beast that was made of coal.

The dust spun around Centicoal like a mild tornado covering the whole beast.

A few moments passed when it swayed left and right until it buried itself back to the walls of the crater and the trembling of the ground stopped and became calm.

"I don't want to risk my life over your tantrums, Arie! We can't always act on impulses in fighting foreign beasts! It's not always about fighting and defeating! We need to think about it thoroughly!" Urie scolded his younger brother.

"I thought we could defeat it because Phansy is a Water Class beast, that's why I–" Without finishing his side, Urie angrily cut him and said, "WE? Are you sure that it's WE? Or YOU?"

"I know you are pressured because of my situation and want to do everything on your own, but for God's sake, Arie! I also don't want to die because I cherish my life!" He angrily added and unsummoned the beasts as soon as he made it to the ground.

"I just want to handle fights like this so that you won't be in danger against these beasts!" Arie retorted, but he was slapped by his big brother.

"Because of your insensitivity, I almost died there! I just want to defeat that beast without expending much energy! I won't be surprised if I die because of your stupid reasoning!" Urie angrily ended the argument as he walked down the path.

The argument that the brothers had was the reason that their journey down the heart of the volcano was deafeningly silent.

Only the sound of the boiling magma and the splashing sound of the seldomly falling rocks could be heard.

At the end of the way down, there was a cave that could be seen, close to the level of the magma below.

They entered the cave and saw that a few red crystals can be seen protruding around the cave while emitting a warm red light.

The path was a bit ragged, and the atmosphere was scorching hot, but because of the gears that they were wearing, they couldn't feel a bit of irritation from the extreme temperature.

As they walked deeper inside the cave, the cluster of the red crystals was becoming dense as the warm red light was becoming brighter. There were also some embers that were emitted from the clusters that looked like fireflies floating on a ragged, stony field.

It looked like they were walking on a scene in a fantasy novel as they approached a brilliantly lit wide space at the end of the cave and saw a pedestal on a platform that was obviously built by humans.

There were a few statues placed around the area that looked like some sort of dragons in different postures.

Above the pedestal, there was a red crystal that was floating and seemed like flames were covering it, but when Urie tried to reach out for it, he didn't feel any heat.

He took back his hand as they both examined the entire area about some possibility that the same event from the temple at the Valley of Night Frost would happen again.

While examining the area, Arie slowly approached his big brother, who was examining the dragon statue in front of him.

"Uhm, brother… I just want to apologize about what I did earlier. I admit I made a mistake and should have listened to you back then." Arie was on the verge of crying as he apologized to his brother.

Urie turned around with a frown, but then smiled as he hugged his younger brother.

That simple gesture meant a lot, that they didn't need any words of consolation or comfort to know that they understood each other very well.

"Let's continue finding something that might trigger when we take that crystal away, okay?" Urie patted his younger brother's head as they looked around the place once more.

It took them a few hours to examine the entire area and even the pedestal where the crystal was, but they couldn't find anything peculiar.

"I guess we just need to give our fate to luck and just take the crystal from the pedestal." Urie shrugged as he approached the pedestal and took the crystal that was hovering above it.

The moment that he took it from the pedestal, the two waited for something to happen, like the trembling of the ground or some strange sound echoing around the cave, but nothing happened except for the sound of notification that rang inside Urie's head.


[The Ember Caverns will be submerged in magma in 12 hours! Immediately revive the Embers of Life to the Ashen Elves Temple at the Ash Forest. The forest was on the east side of the Obsidium Town.]