34 Quest Completed!

"Be glad that Angin persevered to bring us here or else it would drop us half way towards the top! Since it pushed itself over what it was capable of, it might rest for more than a day before I can use it for transportation or battle!" Urie shook his head and sighed as they went towards the chamber where they took the crystal.

Centicoal was there, but it didn't bother the two because it was worried that the quakes would destroy its nest.

They reached the chamber without problems as they saw the pedestal where they took the crystal and were about to place it when Arie went out of balance because of the intense shaking of the ground and ended up pushing the pedestal away from its original place.

"Wait! Wait! I think there's a way to save both towns!" Urie excitedly exclaimed as he took out a card from his compendium and summoned Alpagon.

"Alpagon! Bring this pedestal at the top of this volcano! Hurry!" Urie commanded as Alpagon pushed the pedestal down the platform and surprisingly, it didn't break as they moved out.

Alpagon kept on pushing but its speed was slower than usual.

"What's happening, Alpagon? Are you okay?" Urie worriedly asked because of Alpagon's strange behavior and the fact that if they moved at their current speed, they wouldn't reach the top at the right time.

"Probably because of its Ice Mutation, it's a contradictory energy and because this volcano will erupt soon, the Fire Energy is much denser than before!" Arie concluded as he caressed Alpagon's snow white fur.

"Hmm, can you endure the heat if you eat the Red Crystals around?" Urie asked, but Alpagon immediately charged towards the crystals and started eating it like a beast of glutton.

A minute passed when changes appeared around Alpagon's body. The other half of its body started turning ragged and red crystals slowly emerged from it as heat started emitting from it.

Flowing hot liquid can be seen coursing through the crevices of the ragged area but it wasn't scorching hot, more like it was there just for the aesthetic purpose.

A ring echoed inside Urie's head, but he didn't give attention to it because he was in deep thought about his plan.

Alpagon's claws started burning as it ran twice much faster than what it could before.

They reached the top with only 15 minutes left in Urie's quest timer.

"We made it!" Arie exclaimed in elation and looked at his brother asking, "What are going to do now?"

"Let's see, in which direction does the Obsidium Town located?" Urie asked as Arie looked around and pointed in the direction where the fault can be seen.

"It's probably beyond the fault since that's the middle landmark between the town and the volcano!"

"Then let's move the pedestal in that direction!" Alpagon started pushing the pedestal and placed it at the location where Arie pointed at.

"Okay! That's enough! Now, secure it with crystal so it doesn't fall when the eruption happens!" he instructed as Alpagon stomped its claw and different colored crystals emerged below the pedestal, securing it at its place.

The rumbling of the ground got intense as the bubbling molten rocks slowly rose from inside the volcano.

It quickly covered up the entrance of the chamber below as it rose quicker.


[The Black Volcano is close to eruption! Quickly evacuate the premises!]

The notification interface appeared since it's a warning.

"I can't leave when I'm not yet done with my quest!" Urie protested as he took out the crystal and immediately placed it on the pedestal.

The crystal glowed brightly as the fine inscription etched by Cremorgon shone brighter than the rest of the crystal, like a water flowing through the dried river drenching it once again.

When the light finally shone at its brightest, the half of the mouth of the crater suddenly glowed and a transparent red barrier was established as the volcano rocked and a strong gush of burning liquid shot out from its mouth.

The lava flowed at the other side of the volcano since the barrier of the Embers of Life prevented it from flowing towards the side where the Obsidium Town.

A strange thing happened when the lava exploded, but it only went towards a certain way, as if something was guiding it towards a certain direction, and that direction was the place where the Ruins of the Ashen Elves were located.

The volcano kept on erupting for a few more hours before it calmed down. Smoke could be seen puffing from the volcano, showing that it was an active volcano and might erupt again soon.

A few minutes after the volcanic eruption, Urie received a series of notification rings and interfaces appeared one after another, but what made Urie feel elated were the last two interfaces.

[Clan Quest Completed!]

[The Flames of Life]

[Description: The Town of Obsidium and Ashen Elves are saved! The calamity has ended, and the balance has been restored!

Deliver the Embers of Life: 1/1

Cremorgon found: 1/1

Obsidium Town Saved!

Ashen Elves Town Saved!

Rewards: Mask of Mystery, 1,000 exp, 5 gold coins

Bonus Rewards: Flame Spirit Essence, Pure Obsidian Gem, Mystical Rose]


[Role Change Quest Completed!]]

[The town of eternal heat has been saved together with the town of the protector of flames that has been restored! Continue your way towards the Clocksworth City and present the Scroll of Promotion to Gilmore.]

Rewards: Scroll of Promotion, Legendary Item (Depends on the promotion), 3,000 exp, 10 gold coins.]



[Alpagon has achieved the (Natural Extremity) Mutation. Gained the Frostbite and Dehydrate Skill! The beast will experience a physical change for the next 6 hours.]

"Woah! That's quite a fast mutation! Let's see how this will turn out!" Urie smirked as he closed that interface and looked at the other two interfaces he had and examined the Mask of Mystery.

[Mask of Mystery, Face Accessory]



Conceal: Gives the wearer an ability to conceal their status to those people who possessed the Observe Skill.

Mysterious Change: Gives the owner an ability to change their overall appearance into someone else.

Can be bound.]