80 The Third Volume of the Manual is Unusual

After his day of giving his respect to the old man who helped them before, he investigated the possible locations where he could possibly find the next volume of the manual.

As what he did at the Aqfrost Town, he looked all around the town first and also looked at every possible library where it might be kept just in case the same possibility like what happened at the former town. 

After searching all over the town, he decided to go out and explore the surroundings; he went to Black Volcano and try if he could still access the cave where the altar was originally placed, but because of the modifications he made, the way towards the said place was not accessible anymore because of the continuous flow of lava towards the other side of the forest that brought life to the village hidden in it.

"I wonder where that book could possibly be?" Urie thought while looking at the direction where Asheville was and at his back where the fault was.